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The wheels on the gurney rushed through the hospital as my brother was pushed down the hall. "Henry, can you hear me?" Emma asked. "Come on, Henry. Wake up, please. Come on, Henry. Come on. You can do it," I pleaded as my brother laid lifeless in front of me.

We reached the room that Henry was going into and a lady stopped me and Emma. "Let me take you-" she started. "No! I am not going anywhere!" I screamed. I ran with Henry's gurney as Emma followed quickly behind. Dr. Whale went up to Henry and started checking him.

"There's no pupil response. What happened? Did he fall? Hit his head?" Dr. Whale asked. "He ate this. I think it's poisoned," Emma said as she handed Dr. Whale a bag with the leftover turnover in it.

"His airways clear. Did he vomit? Any convulsion or disorientation?" Dr. Whale asked. "He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed. So, run the test for arsenic, or bleach, or Drano, or whatever could've done this to him," Emma demanded.

"This boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on, this is not the culprit," Dr. Whale said. "Well, what else could it be?" Emma asked. I watched Henry, hoping he would wake up. That stupid apple and the curse...

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out," Dr. Whale told us. "He's going to be okay, though, right?" I asked in a whisper. I felt a tear roll down my face. "Right now, we just need to stabilize him, cause he's slipping away. Is there anything else you could remember? Any little detail?" Dr. Whale asked us.

"We already told you everything! Do something!" I screamed as more tears rolled down my face. "Henry, please just come back to me," I cried in a whisper. "Look, I understand you're frustrated, I do. But I need something good to treat. And, right now, there is no explanation. It's like..." Dr. Whale trailed off.

Emma quickly grabbed the book out of Henry's bag. "Like magic," Emma whispered. Just then, Mom came rushing in. "Where's my son? And my daughter?" She asked worriedly. "You did this," I growled. Emma grabbed Mom and dragged her away. I didn't want to watch them fight. I was only worried about Henry.

I watched as he was hooked up to machines. I grabbed his lifeless hand and whispered, "Don't worry, Henry. I'll save you." Emma and Mom rushed out and I quickly followed them. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Something that doesn't involve you," Emma told me. "Go back to the hospital and watch over you brother," Mom demanded.

"No," I said. They both stopped and turned to me. "Did you just say no to me?" Mom asked. "What do you think?" I asked as I glared at her. This was her fault that Henry was in the hospital about to die. I made a promise to Henry that I would save him and I intend to keep that promise.

Mom glared at me and was about to say something when Emma said, "Fine, you can come along." I smiled at her and we went to Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop. "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the look of a believer?" Mr. Gold asked as we walked in.

"We need your help," I said. "Indeed, you do. It seems quite the tragic ailment had befallen our young friend. I told you, magic comes with a price," Mr. Gold said as he looked at Mom. "Henry shouldn't have to pay it," Mom snapped.

"No, you should, but alas, we are where we are," Mr. Gold sighed. "Can you help us?" Emma asked. "Of course. True love, Miss Swan... The only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse. Luckily for you, I have happened to bottle some," Mr. Gold said.

"You did?" Mom asked. "Oh, yes. From strand of your parents' hair. I made the most powerful potion in all the realm. So powerful, that when I created the dark curse, I placed a single drop on the parchment. Just a little safety valve," Mr. Gold explained.

"That's why I'm the savior. That's why I can break the curse," Emma whispered. "Now you're getting it," Mr. Gold smiled. "I don't care about breaking the curse. All I care about is saving Henry," I said. "Which is why it's your lucky day. I didn't use all the potion. I saved some... For a rainy day," Mr. Gold smirked.

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