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It was currently the next day and Henry and I were watching the clock tower from our window. "I can't believe she actually stayed," Henry whispered. "I know, I'm actually really surprised," I said. "What?" Henry asked. I ignored him and said, "I think we should get ready now."

Henry didn't say anything else and we both started getting ready. I was braiding my hair while Henry was fixing his tie in the mirror when Mom walked in.

"The missing pages - where are they?" Mom asked. "It's an old book. Stuff's missing," I said. "Why do you care?" Henry asked. "I care because you two think I'm some evil queen. And that hurts me, Henry and Ava. I'm your mother," Mom said.

"No, you're not," Henry said. "Well then who is? That women who brought you here? I don't like what she and this book are doing to the both of you. Thankfully, both are no longer an issue," Mom said.

Henry and I smiled as we started to leave the room. "What?" Mom asked. The clock rang and Mom turned to the window. We snuck out while she was distracted. "What happened to the missing pages?" I asked Henry as we walked out of the house.

"Everything after Mom threatened Snow and Charming, all of the pages I tore out and hid. She can't know what happened after she threatened Snow and Charming," Henry told me. "Do you have the pages on you?" I asked Henry. He smiled and said, "Why wouldn't I?" "Come on let's go to Granny's and read it," I smiled.

We walked to Granny's and took a booth in the corner. Henry took the pages out of his backpack and started reading to me.

"The Evil Queen stood in a forest with a group of some of the darkest souls. In front of the fire the Evil Queen started throwing in things that would help start the dark curse."

"The Evil Queen said, "Who among us is tired of losing? That's why I called you here. To put an end to our misery. Today, we claim victory and move to a new, better realm. A place where we can finally win." "And we'll be happy?" The Blind Witch asked."

"I guarantee it. But first, I need something from you. A lock of hair from those of the darkest souls. You must trust me. Because, if you don't there are other ways," the Evil Queen said. The branches around them all started to twist and turn until everyone was surrounded by them."

"Everyone quickly gave them a lock of hair. "A wise decision. All that remains is the final ingredient. The prized heart from my childhood steed. The glorious beast whose passing will fuel our victory. Let my wrath be unleashed," the Evil Queen said."

"The heart was removed from a box that Henry I was holding. The Evil Queen threw the heart into the fire. A large pillar of smoke appeared but then disappeared. A gnome started laughing. "Yeah, you really unleashed something, there," the gnome laughed. The Evil Queen then turned him to stone," Henry read.

He would have read more but Ruby appeared and said, "Hi Ava and Henry. What would you guys like today?" The door jingled and Emma walked in. She didn't notice us and went to go sit by the bar. "Three hot chocolates with cinnamon. Two for us. One for her," I said while pointing to Emma. Ruby looked at Emma and nodded.

Ruby came back minutes later with our drinks. We eagerly gulped them down. We watched as she gave Emma her drink and said something. Emma turned around and looked at Graham. I laughed lightly as she walked over to him and said something about how 'she's not here to flirt.'

Graham said, "I didn't send it." "We did. We like cinnamon too," Henry smiled as we got out of our booth. "Don't you both have school?" Emma asked. "Duh. We are ten," I answered. "Walk us," Henry said.

Emma smiled and started to walk us to school. "What's the deal with you two and your mom?" Emma asked. "It's not about us, it's about her curse," Henry said. "We have to break it. Luckily, we have a plan. Step one - identification," I smiled.

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