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"You sure we can be out in the open?" Henry asked. We were currently walking down Main Street with Emma, heading towards the bus stop.

"Enough sneaking around. If your mom has a problem with me walking you two to a school bus, I am more than happy to have that chat," Emma told us.

"You're brave. We'll need that for Operation Cobra. Speaking of - do you think we need code names?" I asked. "Isn't 'cobra' our code name?" Emma asked. "That's the mission," Henry told her. "I mean us. We need something to call you," I said.

"Oh. Um, well, why don't you just call me Emma for now?" Emma asked. We arrived at the bus stop where the bus was. "Okay. Well then, I'll see you later, Emma," I said as we got on the bus.

We sat together and I sighed, "The only good thing about school is having Snow White as our teacher." Henry nodded in agreement. "You think Snow White is our teacher?" A voice asked. I turned and saw a girl, I think her name was Paige?

"Um, yeah. I know you probably think I'm crazy but I actually do," I said. She smiled and said, "I do too." Henry and I looked at her surprised. "Really?" Henry asked. "Yeah, the way she acts and stuff it makes me think about how much she is like Snow White," Paige said. Oh, she only thinks she is like Snow White. I guess Henry and I are the only ones that believe.

After school Henry and I went home. We finally arrived home and we started reading one of our comics. Our Mom came in and started putting lipstick on while looking through the mirror.

She had to go out to a council meeting so we were 'reading' a comic to make it seem like we weren't planning anything. But really, we were going to make a run for it when she left.

"I know you two think otherwise, but I don't enjoy these Saturday city council meetings. Sometimes, they're just unavoidable. Now, you two know the rules," Mom said. "Yes on homework, no on TV, and stay inside," we chimed.

"Good. Under no circumstance do you two leave the house," Mom warned. "You mean, don't see our mom," Henry said. "She's not your mother. She's just a women passing through. Now, do as I say, or there will be consequences. I'll be back at five sharp," Mom told us.

We watched as she left. Then, Henry grabbed his backpack and then we left the house. We finally arrived at Emma's apartment that she shares with Ms. Blanchard. I opened the door and said, "Hey, Emma. We were thinking we-" I started but then saw who else was there.

Mr. Gold, Henry and I are still trying to find out who he really is. We haven't been able to figure it out.

"Hey, Henry and Ava. How are you two?" Mr. Gold asked. "Okay?" We answered. "Good. Give my regards to your mother. And, um, good luck, Miss Swan," Mr. Gold said and then he left.

"Do you know who that is?" Henry asked. "Yeah, course I do," Emma answered. "Who? Cause we're still trying to figure it out," I told her.

"Oh, I meant in reality," Emma told us as she started picking up her things. Aw, I was really hoping to finally figure out who he is.

"Is that all you brought?" Henry asked. "Henry, Ava, what are you doing here?" Emma asked. "Our mom's gone till five. We thought we could hang out," I told her. "Ah, kids. I wish I could. But there's something I've got to do," Emma told us. "What is it?" Henry asked.

"Some pregnant girl named Ashley stole something from Mr. Gold," Emma told us. She got up and left the apartment. We followed her. "Please let us help," I said. "No! No, it could be dangerous," Emma told us.

"The pregnant maid is dangerous?" I asked. "She assaulted Mr. Gold," Emma said. "Cool!" Henry and I exclaimed.

"This isn't a game. She's desperate," Emma said. "How do you know?" Henry asked. "Because I know," Emma told us.

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