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"Ok class, it's time to head over to the hospital," Ms. Blanchard told us. We were taking a field trip to the hospital where we would be volunteering. We started walking over when I pulled Henry aside. "This is the perfect time to try and wake up Prince Charming," I told him.

He smiled and said, "Perfect." Prince Charming has been asleep ever since everyone got trapped here. I mean in the story we know he got really hurt, now here he is, in a hospital bed, asleep, for a long time. Maybe if we just wake him up, it will help break the curse?

We arrived at the hospital and I pulled Henry into Charming's room. No one else bothered to come in so Henry and I sat down next to his bed.

"How do we wake him up?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe if I just touch his face," Henry said and leaned forward to touch him. Before he could, Ms. Blanchard walked in.

"Henry, Ava. We could really use your help with the decoration," Ms. Blanchard told us. "Is Mr. Doe going to be okay, Ms. Blanchard?" I asked. That was Charming's name, I think. That's what it said on his file.

"His name's not John Doe, honey. That's just what they call people when they don't know who they are," Ms. Blanchard explained. "Do you know who he is?" Henry asked, probably hoping to spark a memory.

"Nope. Just bring him flowers on my rounds," Ms. Blanchard told us. "What's wrong with him?" I asked. "I don't know. He's been like this as long as I've been volunteering," Ms. Blanchard answered.

"Does he have any family or friends?" Henry asked, still hoping to spark a memory. "No one's claimed him," Ms. Blanchard told us.

"So, he's all alone," I stated. "Yeah... It's quite sad," Ms. Blanchard said. "You sure you don't know him?" Henry asked, trying to spark a memory for the third time. "Course I'm sure. Come on. You two shouldn't be in here," Ms. Blanchard told us. We walked out of the room, each stealing one last glance at the Prince who still needed his Princess.

When school was finally over, we brought Emma to our castle. "We found your father - Prince Charming," I told her. "Henry... Ava..." Emma whispered.

"He's in the hospital, in a coma. See that scar? He has one, too," Henry pointed out in the book. "So? Lots of people have scars," Emma told us.

"In the same place?" I asked her. "Don't you see what this means? The curse is keeping them apart with the coma. Now they're stuck without each other. We have to tell Ms. Blanchard we found her Prince Charming," Henry told Emma.

"Okay, kids. Telling someone their soulmate is in a coma is probably not helpful. Not having a happy ending is painful enough, but giving someone unrealistic hope is far worse," Emma said.

"But what if we are right?" I asked. "We know who they are. Now they have to know," Henry told her.

"And how do you two intend to make that happen?" Emma asked us. We smiled and I said, "By reminding him. We have to get her to read their story to John Doe. Then, maybe, he'll remember who he is."

"Okay," Emma said. "Okay?" Henry asked surprised that she agreed so quickly. "Yeah, we'll do it. But we'll do it my way. Let me ask her," Emma said.

"Okay!" Henry said happily. "We will all meet tomorrow for breakfast at Granny's and she will give you two a full report," Emma told us. We nodded our heads in agreement and Emma left.

The rest of our night was pretty boring. We went to Granny's with Mom for dinner where she didn't bring up Emma at all. It was just like the dinners we would have before Emma came into town. We had come home and gone to bed, excited for Granny's tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning when Henry started shaking me. "Ava, wake up, we have to go see Emma and Ms. Blanchard," he told me. I got up and got dressed. I put my hair into its normal braid and went into Mom's room while she was sleeping and stole one of her shirts. Emma's been wearing the same shirt for a while and it's starting to get dirty. So, I guess I'll bring her a new shirt. When Henry was finished getting ready, we started to leave.

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