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"Code red. Code red," I said through the walkie talkie. Emma immediately answered, "Hey, Ava. What's up?" "Meet us at Granny's. It's an Operation Cobra emergency," Henry said. "I'm on my way," Emma told us.

A couple of minutes later she arrived. I picked at my food as Henry stared into his hot chocolate. Emma sat down and asked, "Hey. What's the emergency?" "Shh!" I said. "This is sensitive," Henry explained. "If it's sensitive, why are we at Granny's, out in the open?" Emma asked.

"We're hungry. Who else knows that we hide the book at the Sheriff's station?" Henry asked. "No one. Why?" Emma asked. "Someone changed it. There's a new story in it," I said. "Why would someone add a new story?" Emma asked.

"To tell something we need to know about the curse," I explained. "And what would that be?" Emma asked. "We don't know. The story isn't finished yet," Henry said. "Why would someone go to so much trouble to add a new story, and then not bother finishing it?" Emma asked.

"That's what's weird. The story's about Pinocchio. Everyone knows how that ends," I said. "Well, maybe that's why it was left out," Emma pointed out. "Or, maybe, there's more to it," I hinted. "Kids, you're going to be late for school. Let's go," Emma said. We nodded and grabbed our stuff.

We walked to school with Emma and she said goodbye to us as we walked inside. Everything was going fine until recess when I saw our mom talking to Ms. Blanchard. "Henry, look," I said. He turned and asked, "What's she doing here?" "I don't know, let's go find out," I said.

We walked up to mom as Ms. Blanchard walked away. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "You two forgot your lunch boxes," Mom said. "Thanks?" We answered. Now, why was she really here?

"Kids, it's time for a change. I think it's time to transfer you to a new class with a new teacher," Mom said. There it is. "Why do you want us out of Ms. Blanchard's class?" Henry asked. "Is it because you framed her?" I asked.

"Ava! Do you two really think I'm capable of doing something so horrible?" Mom asked. "Of course. You're the Evil Queen," I pointed out.

"Enough. Those fairy tales are not real. Ms. Blanchard should never have given you two that book. She should be grateful I'm not trying to get her fired," Mom said.

"Go ahead and try," I said. "It won't work," Henry pointed out. "No matter what you do, Snow White will have her happy ending," I told Mom. "She and Prince Charming will be together. The curse will end," Henry continued. "Good will win," I said as I grabbed Henry's hand and we started to walk away. I stopped and turned around. "And we're not changing classes," I said.

We turned around as walked away, leaving our shocked mom on the sidewalk. The rest of the day we didn't talk to mom. We whet to our session with Archie and when we got home, went straight to bed.

We were woken up in the middle of the night when Emma's voice was heard through the walkie talkie. "Code red. Code red. Ava? Henry?" I heard. We got up and grabbed the walkie talkie. "Emma, what's wrong?" I asked sleepily.

"I need to talk to you two," Emma said. "About Operation Cobra?" Henry asked. "No. About us. Meet me downstairs," Emma told us. Henry put the book in his backpack and grabbed his backpack. We walked downstairs and outside where Emma was waiting in her car.

We got in and I said, "If our mom she's us out here talking to you, she'll get really mad." "Kids, I need to ask you something very important. Do you want to get away from Regina? Do you want to come and live with me?" Emma asked.

"More than anything," we both answered. "Okay. Then buckle up. You ready?" Emma asked. We buckled up and Henry asked, "Why?" The car started and I asked, "Where are we going?" "We're leaving Storybrooke," Emma told us.

As started the car and drove off. I turned to Henry shocked.

Leaving Storybrooke?


This was from the twentieth episode. The Stranger. So I'm thinking about just doing a second book for season 2 instead of season 2 being apart of this book. What do you guys think? So hope you liked this chapter! If I do a second book then that means only two more chapters to go! Woah. I might do one more update but no promises. Remember to comment, vote, share, and follow!

❤️Luv you❤️


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