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I waited until the sound of the door shutting as my mom checked on us was heard. I jumped up and Henry did too. We grabbed our walkie talkie out and Henry said, "The eagle is on the nest, and the package is secure."

Emma and August were currently hiding outside and were waiting until the coast was clear for them to go into the garage. "Henry. I left my code book at home," Emma said. "She's getting in the shower and the keys are under the mat," I explained.

The line went dead and I turned to Henry satisfied. Watch out Mom.


Omg... This is so short. That's how long Henry so actually in this episode. Do you realize how sad that is??? I'm defiantly going to do at least one more chapter just for you guys! This was from eighteenth episode. The Stable Boy. Hope you liked it even though it was really short! Once again sorry for that! Remember to comment, vote, share, and follow!

❤️Luv you❤️


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