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It was a normal day at my high school. I'm a girl named Taylor with soft dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I was pretty popular at my school and a lot of people liked me, but I had a boyfriend that was about a year older than me. He was a tall brunette with hazel eyes and a personality that would make any girl fall for him. he was 18 and going to 13th grade, and I was 17 going to 11th grade. I was born in December but I was put a year back in school because of my birth month.

The first day of school came around and I felt like I was crashing realising that school begun.

"Taylor, TAYLOR!" My bestfriend Ria yelled behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with her for a couple of seconds before running up to her and hugging her tightly.

"Hi, how have you been?" I asked her before pulling away from the hug now just smiling at her.

"Have you heard that we got a new music teacher?" Ria began telling me. I raised my eyebrow and looked at her shocked.

"Really? That's amazing what's his name?" I asked Ria while jumping in excitement.

"His name is Tom, he's like a few years older and I heard that he's hot!" Ria said with a big grin on her face while looking at me.

I looked at her and smiled playfully before we went to our class which happened to be music..


We got to the class and I sat beside Ria while scrolling through my just-bought Nokia that my parents gave me. I was enjoying my flip phone which was currently the most trendy one of them all while giving no attention to anything else but my phone.

"Taylor, Taylor!" I heard a loud whisper from beside me before turning my attention to Ria.

"What is it!?" I said loudly with an angry look on my face before she pointed to the teacher.

"Good job, finally deciding to get off that phone of yours." A dark and deep voice said before I turned my head to the teacher who was leaning against his Table.

I looked at him for a while and blushed a little seeing how attractive the teacher was, i couldn't help but show a small grin on my face before I slammed the phone shut and put it in my pocket.

"Do I have to introduce myself again?" The teacher asked while he was slowly walking closer to my desk with his hands in his pockets and looking at me.

I felt a small rush of excitement hitting my body before I looked him in the eyes.
"I don't mind," I said and smiled at him teasingly.
I was always the one to talk back in my class, I liked joking around with teachers but not as much to be a class clown.

The teacher looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I saw a smirk crossing his face before he walked up to the board again.
"So let's just make another impression for the girl who can't listen to anything people say. You might as well write it down" he said while still grinning in my direction.

I smiled in a joking way before he started talking.

"My name is Tom, you might as well call me just by my name or add Mr. Infront. I'm about 8-7 years older than you guys. I'm 24, I surely hope we'll all get along well" he said in a sweet and warm tone while glancing over at me a few times. "I'll just call out all of your names to see if you're all here," he said before getting a piece of paper in his hands and starting to call out everyone's names, all responding with yes.

"Taylor?" He said and looked around the classroom. "Here" I responded and leaned back on my chair while looking at him in the eyes. "Right.." he replied quickly while a smirk started showing on his face before looking down at the paper and putting a checkmark next to my name.

I blushed a little and covered my cheeks while Ria glanced over at me a few times to check up on what I was doing. She saw me trying to cover up my face from the blush that hit my cheeks and she grinned over at me. "So, Tom?" She asked while looking at me in the eyes. I looked back and shook my head from side to side while looking at her with an angry face.

Tom kept looking at me in class and it made me feel special a bit but I ignored it since I had a boyfriend and Tom was just a random guy who happened to be my teacher.


The class ended and we all took our bags and walked out the door. "Taylor.." a deep voice said and I stopped right in front of the door, I turned to the teacher who was leaning on his chair while looking up at me. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him with a curious look while everyone already left. He then stood up and walked over to me with his hands in his pockets, he stopped right in front of me and looked in my eyes with a serious face.

"Don't use the same attitude you did today, or you're going straight to the principal." He said in a dark and cold tone after placing his hand on my jaw and lifting it to look at him.

I felt cold shivers go through my body as I took his hand and put it away from me. "Can't promise you that" I said before I walked out to my next class feeling his eyes on me as I walked away.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Where stories live. Discover now