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After the long, confusing day that i had i went to sleep.

the next morning i woke up and got ready for school. i wore my oversized jean cargos and a black star crop top that i found in my closet. i put on some cute jewerly like my hoop earrings and a bunch of necklaces, i also wore my star sunglasses and put on my new balance shoes.

I went downstairs and waved goodbye to my mom that was in the kitchen making breakfast for herself. I opened the front door and got outside, closing it behind me. I went up to my car and got in, i started it and started driving towards my hgih school. When i got there the first thing i spotted was Dylan smoking a cigarette with his gang infront of the school.

I parked my car on the parking lot and got out taking my bag with me. I started walking towards the entrence and made a quick eye contact with Dylan, we still didn't spoke since the thing that happened between us yesterday. I went up to my locker as Ria came behind me.

"hey girl!" she said lightly punching my shoulder. 


"how was your date yesterday? you know.. your one year anniversary, you must had a great time!" she said all excited about it.

"pfft, i wish." i replied opening my locker. as i opened it i saw a bouquett of roses inside with a note. my face expression turned from cold to shocked. Dylan must've put this in when he got to school.

"did something bad happen?" she asked me as she peeked inside my locker. "i wonder who gave you these.."

"we just had a fight.." i whispered as i took the note and read it. "you forgot these" the note said. I read it again studying Dylan's writting, he never wrote me shit. this is actually the first time that i saw his writting.

"again? ughh you guys need to stop fighting!" she said rolling her eyes. "who are the flowers from?" she said turning to look at me.

"Dylan, i forgot them at his car yesterday." I said as i put the note back in my locker.

"cute. at least he got you flowers instead of a stupid ring."

"yeah" i said quietly as i closed my locker. "I need to spill you some tea"

"tea? oh no between T and you?" Ria whispered as she leaned in closer so one one would hear us. T is a code name that we use for Tom since you know if we mention him everyone will know who we're talking 'bout.

i nodded. "but after lunch, we have to go to class" I took her hand and we started walking to our class. i spotted Dylan in the distance but avoided looking at him.


After our classes ended it was lunch time. i made sure to spill all the tea to Ria and her reaction needed to be filmed. 

"oh god.." she whispered with her jaw on the floor.

"yeah." i said turning my head back to my salad as i took a bite of it.

"this is fucked up, you should break up with Dylan asap!" she whispered.

"i know, but i'm not ready!"

"i can do it for you.." 

"no thanks.." i said taking another bite of my salad when i saw a dark figure enter the cafeteria in the corner of my eye. 

I turned my head to look at the dark, cold person as Ria did the same. we turned our heads and saw Tom with his hands in his pockets leaning on a wall beside the entrence. his eyes met mine and he smiled at me. I felt my cheeks turn pink as i turned my attention back to my food.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Where stories live. Discover now