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I was standing in the doorway trying to process everything that i'm seeing. they were both drunk, Ria was moaning, Dylan was touching her. how the fuck did she even get in. Maybe Dylan invited her and i didn't see her since there are a tousand other people here. I felt a tear fall down my face. First she tries to make Tom sleep with her, and now i see her make out with my school boyfriend.

I took out my flip phone and took a picture of them. I'm not gonna stay quiet and pretend like nothing happened, i'm gonna seek for revenge.

After i took the picture i looked at them one last time before walking back upstairs to see if Tristan is better.

I got up and opened the door seeing Tristan crawled up on the floor. He was hugging a Vodka bottle while softly snoring. At this point i really want to go home, but i don't want to leave Tristan here. And i can't drive because i drank too much alcohol to be allowed to drive. The only options were to call Tom and leave Tristan here or call Tom and take Tristan with me. I wasn't gonna risk it and pick option 2, i'm going with 1. 

I called Tom, it was around 1:30 am. He picked up.

"hey babe." he said on the other side of the phone.

"hey could you come and pick me up?" i asked him.

"sure, i'll be there in 10 minutes."

"thanks, love you."

"love you too." he said before ending the call.

I looked down at Tristan and around the room for anything that i could use as a blanket. I spotted the tablecloth on one of the tables. i took it off and covered Tristan's cold body with it. I was stroking his back with one of my hands for what felt like 30 minutes. I then got up and went downstairs to see if Tom arrived.

When i got downstairs some people where still partying while others went home and some were passed out on the floor. i walked to the exit spotting Tom 's car a block away. He probably parked there so no one would see him. I started walking towards his car while my head was spinning. I tripped a few times but got up quickly. When i finally reached his car He got out and looked at me with a serious expression on his face.

"you can sleep in the back, you seem drunk." he said as he opened the door to the backseats.

"I'm not drunk, i just drank too much." i said crawling in his car. He closed the door after i got in and went in the drivers seat.

He started his car and drove off. "same thing, are you gonna sleep at mine?" he asked me looking in the rearview mirror.

"sure, i mean tomorrow is Sunday after all.." i said closing my eyes while my body rested in his leather seats. 

His eyes shifted back to the road focusing on getting us to his house.


Tom's POV:

When we arrived to house i got out of my car and opened the backseat where she was peacfully asleep. I took a second taking in her beauty. her beautifull dirty blonde hair, her heart shaped lips, her snob nose.. she was a goddes. I picked her up holding her sleeping body in my hands. i pushed the door shut before heading inside the house. 

I walked in my room and placed her on my king-sized bed. i went to the bathroom and got dressed in my pijama, just boxers. I wasn't planning on sleeping fully dressed, i'm a man after all. I got out of the bathroom and turned off the lights. I then remembered that Taylor is still fully dressed. fuck.

I turned on the lights again and went up to my closet. i took out a shirt of mine and some shorts. I went up to her and started undressing her. i pulled her top off and instead put my shirt on. i then un-zipped her jeans and slid them down her thighs and calf. i shoved them on the floor and pulled my shorts on. I also removed her jewerly.

After that i finally turned off the lights and crawled in bed beside her. I pulled a blanket over us so she wouln't freeze to death. I pushed my body closer to hers while i put my arm around her waist pulling her closer. i then slowly fell asleep, my leg on top of hers.


The next morning i woke up at 7:15 am. Taylor was still asleep beside me. i got out of bed trying not to wake her up, i had to go to work.

After i got ready to go to work I didn't forget to write her a note and leave it on the bedside table for her to see. I went out of the house to my office where i had some meetings.

Taylor's POV:

I woke up in Tom's bed alone. my head still hurt really bad from yesterday night. I looked at the clock in his room and saw that it was already 3 pm. damn, i slept for over 12 hours. I rubbed my eyes to have a more clear vision of my sorroundings. I sat up on the edge of his bed and scretched my arms out while yawning. I rubbed my eyes once again and looked at the bedside table where my flip phone was and a note. I picked up the note and looked at it noticing Tom's handwritting.

"Hey babe, sorry i'm not home i have work and a few important meetings to go to. I'll be home around 5-6. If you decide to go home by then send me a message to lmk.
Love, Tom.
" the note said. He was at work again. great.

I stood up from bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. i wiped off my make-up from yesterday since it was smudged real bad. After that i got dressed. I put on my jeans from yesterday and stole Tom's shirt from his closet. i put some of my jewerly back on so my outfit would look at least a bit femenine.

I went to Tom's giant kitchen and made myself some coffe to wake me up. suddenly i heard the doorbell ring. i groaned in annoyance before going to open it.

When i opened the door i chocked back on my own saliva. not again, Crystal and Bill were standing on Tom's poarch looking at me as shocked as i was.

"Crystal, Bill.." I said in a confused tone. shit, they knew i was a student and that Tom was a teacher and now they saw me at his fucking house wearing his fucking shirt!

"Taylor, what are you doing here?" Crystal asked me.

"umm just umm.." i was stuttering really bad. I had no excuses at this point. Bill was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"So i was right after all." he said to Crystal in a proud tone.

Crystal nodded.

"right about..??" i asked confused.

"you're one of Tom's chicks." Bill said looking at me.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "well maybe i am but i'm his only chick.." i said crossing my arms over my chest.

"his past tells me otherwise. i don't think he actually had a girlfriend since La- ouch!" Crystal cut him off with a slap on his shoulder.

"we wanted to talk to Tom, is he here?" Crystal asked changing the theme.

I was so confused at this point. I wanted to know what Bill wanted to say before Crystal cut him off. I know that if i ask Tom about it we'll end up fighting but i really wanted to know the truth. La-ura, La-iken, La-vander, La-na, La-ra, what was it? Crystal and Bill kept looking at me waiting for my answer while i was lost in my own thoughts. Maybe if i asked Tom nicely about it he would've told me but i know that he's stubborn enough not to tell me about his past. I snapped back after a few minutes. "He's not here.. I have to go, have a nice day." I said shutting the door and locking it.

Who was that mysterious person Bill was talking about?


Hey guys, sorry that i couldn't make this chapter any time sooner i had a lot of chores to do and i was really busy but i managed to do it in about an hour quickly. I reallu aprechiate all of the support i've been getting from you guys, i hope you liked this chapter!
Don't forget to vote and comment, luv you all!!

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