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It's been two weeks since I came home. Prom is getting closer and closer every day meaning that Taylor will somehow have to find a partner soon or she'll end up dancing alone. I can't be her partner obviously since it's illegal. I would love being her dance partner tho. Having her in my hands while she has the best night of her life, dancing with her, drinking with her, it would've been amazing. 

I'm in my office bored as fuck while looking for a real estate property to buy. I needed another office since I'll be launching a big project soon and I need more workers and a bigger space. This will still be my office, obivously, I just need a new one for my other workers. It's hard finding a property that's close and that'll suit my circumstances. I could buy a property of Dylan's dad but it was too small and seemed cheap. I could buy a property off of Bill but that's not happening in a million years. The dude litteraly murdered my ex girlfriend that was carrying my child with her. Another option was a guy that I knew and his office seemed great. It was big, had a huge working space, a lot of offices and meeting areas, but the only thing that wasn't okay was the price. It was a couple thousands over my budget which I set it as 100 million. I didn't really mind paying a few thousands over the budget but was it really nessacary? I mean, I can find a new building for even less.

I was still scrolling through the damn building things and drinking my coffe when I heard a knock on my office door. "Come in." I said looking up seeing my assistant open the door. "Yeah?"

"Mr. Kaulitz, someone is here to see you." My assistant said glancing back at the person who was apparently waiting for me.

"Bring them in." I say looking back down at my computer. I brang the coffe mug to my mouth taking a small sip of the black coffe I was drinking. The assistant nodded and the so called person stepped into my office. I continued looking down at my computer screen waiting for the door to close so I could see who it was.

I heard my office door click and that's when I looked up almost chocking on my coffe. "Taylor what the fuck are you doing here?" I look at her up and down my eyes wide open as she was smirking at me. Taylor didn't even dress like herself anymore, she came in dressed like a sexy business woman that's trying to seduce a man to accept a offer or something. She wore a off shoulder dark red dress with a V neck that hugged her body perfectly. She had black heels and black gloves aswell with a dolce gabbana mini bag. She looked soo fucking hot that I'm not surprised that my staff let her in. At some point, she looked like Marlyn Monroe.

"Wanted to see you so I figured that looking like this is the only way to get in here." She said tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I- You can't be here." I stand up from my office chair going around my desk to reach her.

"Why not?" She asked a bit dissapointed. I didn't like seeing her sad but rules are rules.

I wrap my hands around her waist gently. "It's a working place and no one is allowed here but the clients, workers and staff." 

"Oh. Let me be your client then." She said smilling up at me and goddammit, I can't just throw her out of here looking like a goddess.

"This is not how this works, babe." I say wanting for her to understand.

She is quiet for a moment looking around my office. "I like the vibe in here, pretty modern."

"Yeah, I kinda want to change it to a vintage office vibe." I say not taking my eyes off of her. "You look beautiful."

She looks up at me and smiles again. "Thank you." She says.

I try leaning in to kiss her but she stops me. I raise my eyebrow in confusion as she points to her face.

"Makeup." She says. Okay.

"I can get you a makeup artist to fix whatever will happen." I say to her wanting to kiss her badly.

She laughs. "I would've been more concerned about yourself if I were you. The red lipstick doesn't come off easily." She says rubbing her lips against eachother.

I smirk down at her. "Stay here. Give me thrity minutes and then we can go to my place. I just have to find something to buy." I say to her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Sure." She says as I release my hold on her and she goes to sit in the chair for my clients.


Me and Taylor walked out of my office together. My hand was placed around her waist as we talked while walking down the stairs. I saw a few of my workers stare at her making me shot a look in their direction. By the time we got down to the main lobby my whole company had darted their eyes in our direction. 

I came to my main lobby receptionist with Taylor wrapped around my arm. "Call my meetings off for tonight and set them for tomorrow. I'm busy." I tell the the receptionist as I saw her steal a glance in Taylor's direction before nodding and typing the information on the computer. "Thank you." I say before looking at Taylor and whispering something in her ear. She laughed slightly and we turned around to leave the office.


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter! Just to keep you guys updated since the story is ending soon. I'll be comming out with a new story as soon as this one ends!🤫

Don't forget to vote and comment, LOVE YOU ALL!

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