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I had been crying all day and night because of Tom. The sadness I felt at the moment was unbearable. Even at school, I couldn't fake a smile of how horrible I felt. My heart was broken because of Tom. My head kept spinning because of Tom. I was also tired, because of Tom. He had caused me so many problems. I wish I had never met him. If I had followed the law rules and hadn't seen Tom behind everyone's backs Ria would've still been alive. Her death was my fault. I've caused all of this. 

"I'm so glad you came." Ria's mom said as she pulled me in a hug. I just arrived at her funeral with the other guests. The church that held the funeral was so dark and mysterious. Maybe it was just my view, everyone was dressed In black so that explained it. 

"I couldn't miss it for the life of me. Me and Ria were so close, I'd hate myself for it." I said as I pulled away from the mother. My eyes drifted to the front of the altar where the urn with Ria's ashes stood. There was a picture of her beside it. A picture that I took. Gult swam in my stomach and I already felt like crying. Ria was smiling in the picture showing her perfect white teeth. Her blue eyes were gleaming because of the flash I had used. She looked beautiful, I should've died instead. 

Her mother's eyes followed my gaze noticing me looking at the photo of Ria. She put a hand on my back caressing it slowly. "She was beautiful." Ria's mom stated. Her tone was a bit more emotional than it was before, like she was on the verge of tears.

"Indeed." My voice broke and a tear fell down my cheek. I hated knowing this was my fault. I'm the cause of her death.

It's raining outside. Me and the other guests were at the cemetery, standing in front of Ria's grave. I was crying trying to be as quiet as possible. This whole thing was too much for me to handle. My tears were a mix of anger and sadness. The situation with Tom makes my emotions more fucked than they already are. I crossed my arms across my chest as the priest spoke. My mind was all fuzzy, I couldn't focus at all on the things happening around me. 

I was so unfazed that I didn't even notice someone wrapping their hand around my waist. My head swung to the left and I noticed Dylan there standing beside me whilst pulling me to his side. "I'm sorry." He whispered looking down at me.

I hated seeing Dylan here. He cheated on me with her and now we're here, at her funeral. I couldn't forgive him just like that but my feelings got the best of me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I felt my tears get larger and my cheeks wetter. Dylan didn't waste another second. His other hand snaked around my body to my back and he pulled me to him. Holding me close as I cried in his embrace. 

I hated him, I really did. But right now I couldn't wish for anything else but being held close to someone. It doesn't matter who it was. I just want some comfort. I just want to let go of all my emotions. The death. The files. The breakup. Everything I held in, I wanted to let out. 


I thought about not showing up to the police station after my break down but I knew that that would create a bigger problem. The police station had called me before the funeral saying that I have to be questioned or some sort of shit. I felt like I knew what this was about. It wasn't hard to notice the cops in school this morning. It was probably because of the rumors. 

I stepped a foot into the building. My outfit was different than at the funeral. I wore a white T-shirt and some low-rise flared jeans. Basic but I really had no choice. I didn't feel like putting much effort into my outfit anyway.

I got to the lobby where the waiting room and receptionist were. My eyes immediately shot to the cuffed man sitting on the left side of the room. Tom's eyes immediately met mine and I quickly looked away. I didn't want to talk to him. Not now, not ever.

"Hello, ma'am." The receptionist spoke looking at me. I stopped at the front desk crossing my arms over my chest. "Name?"

"Taylor Langdon," I answered shortly. I didn't feel like talking at all. I could feel Tom's stare on me, it was burning into my soul.

I noticed the receptionist glance at Tom before looking down at the paper in front of her. It felt as if the whole city knew about us. "Please wait in the waiting room until they call you in."

I nodded at her words and turned around. There were two sides in the waiting room. The right side and the left side. Both sides had chairs. Tom, as I have said before, is sitting on the right side. I didn't want to sit beside him at all.

My butt took a place on the left side, facing Tom. He was looking at me, staring. I reached into my pocket with my bag and took out my phone, looking through it. I had nothing to do with it but I'd rather be looking through my contact list than try to avoid looking at Tom.

After a minute or two there was some noise heard in the room. I looked towards where it came from noticing the receptionist getting up. She didn't spare a glance at us and walked towards the door with a big sign that said investigation. My eyes were laid on the woman before she disappeared behind the big door. I looked back down at my phone.

The room was quiet but filled with tension. Strong tension. I was ignoring Tom, he was staring at me. After a moment or two, he fixed his posture by sitting up. Then a voice was heard in the same deep and dark tone I remembered. "You look nice." Tom spoke but I ignored him. My eyes were glued to my phone. "How was the funeral?" His voice echoed through the room again. My expression hardened at the mention of the funeral. He stayed quiet for a while but his eyes were still glued to me. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Hey guys🥰.. sorry for not updating I was super busy with planning stuff for my trip😭 I'm going to London this Thursday so I had to be prepared. I'll probably update my story today or tomorrow since I won't have time till the next Monday. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this part, I'm sorry I left You guys on a cliff hanger I promise it won't happen again (I was too lazy to continue). I'll see y'all next week😭

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