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What the fuck did i do?

I would never date my student in any way.

Those words..

They kept repeating in my head while i was running down the stairs reaching my locker.

I'm not that type of a teacher that looks at his students.

God what's wrong with me?

I opened my locker and quickly took out my jacket before running out of school to my car. I started it and drove home.

When i got to my house i ran to my room and called Dylan to get my mind off of Tom Kaulitz.

"Hey babe" i said over the phone.

"Hey, how was detention?"

I was quiet for some time.. "it was okay, i mean i left after 30 minutes"

"That's great to hear, wanna go out tonight?" He asked me in a sweet tone.

I mean am i in the mood to go out? No.
Do i feel like going out with him? No.
Will i go out? No.

"No, i'm busy sorry" i mumbled.

"C'mon it'll be fun, just me and you.. at my house.." he said quietly.

"Mmm no, i'm not in the mood" i rolled my eyes.

"Fine, see you at school then" he said hanging up.

Was he mad? Seriously? Just because i said no.

I sighed and wiped off my make-up. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried fixing my hair. Suddenly i got a text.

*"Hey"* an unknown number texted me on my flip phone.

*"Hi? Who are you?"* I wrote back.

*"Your favourite teacher*"

My heart begun pounding. How did he get my number?

*"Oh, hey"* i said in response trying to act cool.

*"Wanna go out tonight?"*

I started thinking. He wants to go out with me. His student, W t f.

What am i suppost to write back?

*"Sure"* i responded nervously. God what am i thinking?!

*"Be ready at 8. I'll pick you up"*

Fuck, will i go out with the hottest teacher in school?

I called Ria.

"GIRL I'M GOING OUT WITH TOM!" i screamed over the phone as soon as she picks up.

"You, WHAT?!" she yelled in an angry tone.

"What about Dylan?!" She screamed.

"God who cares about him, come over and help me get ready!" I said back.

"Okay, but we will discuss this!" She yelled back hanging up. Who does she think she is?

After a few minutes i heard her knock on my front door. I let her in and we went up to my room.

"What if Dylan finds out?" She asks me in a serious tone. I laugh.

"He won't. Stop worrying so much, jeez"

She rolled her eyes and dug into my closet. She found a black minidress with a V neck that showed off my boobs. I got dressed into the clothing she picked out for me and she chose some necklaces and rings to go with the look.

She decided to give me some smokey eye make-up look since that was trendy these days and i looked fabilous already. For hair she just waved it to keep it simple.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Where stories live. Discover now