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8th December 4:54 pm.

me and Tom are okay again. Tom planned my birthday party and Ria is coming aswell so me and him won't fight as much. he's taking us somewhere and told us to be ready at 5 for him to pick us up at my house.

I wore a black dress with long sleeves, it was an off shoulder dress also a mini dress. i wore my leg warmers and i also had black boots with a heel to keep me warm. My dirty blonde hair was waived and i had put light make-up on.

Ria wore a dark teal minidress with a V neck. she was really going all off today. she wasn't dressed like she usualy is when we go to a party, it was like she was dressed for someone. she had a black jacket over it and balck boots aswell. her black hair was straightenned while she had put gallons of make up on her face to look good.

Tom's car pulled up in the drive way at 5, he never fails to be late. me and Ria came out of the front door happy. as we entered the car i obviously sat in the front seat beside Tom while Ria sat in the back. Tom looked at me up and down and smirked.

"you look so fucking good babe.." he said smirking while looking at my body. 

"thanks" i said giving him a peck on the lips while Ria kept staring at us with her left leg over her right and her arms crossed over her chest. 

We were planning on matching for my birthday party and he told me to borrow his coat so i wouldn't freeze.

He started driving while me and Ria put our favourite songs to sing on. 


After an hour of driving we finally got to our destination.. Berlin. i was confused. why would he drive us to Berlin on my birthday? sure it was a great city but i've already been there a million times.

he parked infront of a big building that was packed with a lot of people. we get out of his car. he took my hand as all three of us went inside the building. that's when i realised.. oh. my. god. he bought tickets to a rammstein concert! i loved that band for as long as i could remember but never got the chance to actually see them play live. my jaw dropped seeing the big "rammstein" sign on the stage.

"no you fucking didn't.." i was to happy to speak. 

i hugged Tom thightly thanking him over and over. we went to the VIP seating area. i guess those were the good sides of having a rich boyfriend. when we got there we actually had our own seats. i sat beside Tom and Ria sat beside me, amused aswell. 

"i still don't know how i pulled you.." i whispered while looking around. 

Tom laughed putting his hand on my thigh. 

The concert was slowly starting..

I was impressed by how awesome their concerts were. they preformed awesome tricks with fire basically playing with their own lives for people to watch and be happy. they were a big inspiration to me, i loved all of their shows. one wrong move and they could seriously get hurt but they didn't really care, at least it looked like they didn't care.


After the concert i was thrilled. i loved Tom even more now for being able to get those tickets, he truly was awesome. How did i get so lucky to have him? 

we were walking on the streets exploring the city a bit all three of us. me and Tom held hands, we were all over eachother while Ria either kept being on her flip phone or watched us.

Her dress really triggered me. a lot of old men were walking past us looking Ria up and down with a smirk on their faces. it disguisted me, i still don't know why she wore that damn dress. 

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