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(I'm just gonna skip time since I have nothing to write lol..)

2 months later..


I arrived to Germany a few minutes before. I'm now sitting at the airport waiting to go grab my suitcase and go see Taylor. I can't wait to kiss her, hug her, touch her... I miss her a lot. I don't even know how I survived these 3 months with only hearing her voice over the phone. The most important thing is that I succeded at the stupid job and now I get 10 billion euros for working with Bill.

I decided that I wouldn't inform Taylor about me coming home since I wanted to surprise her. I wasn't really aware of her hanging out with Tristan since she told me that he went on a holiday to London. I sat at the airport scrolling through my phone feeling someone watching me. I looked around and saw freaking Tristan watch me from a distance. We held eye contact for a while before he decided to wave over at me. I waved back and moved my eyes on some girls that were fan-girling over me. If I had t be honest I felt guilty looking at Tristan. That dude didn't know that I was sleeping with his best friend and it kinda creeped me out knowing that he'll some day find out.

One of the girls that were fan-girling over me waved at me. I just glanced at her and smiled slightly before moving my attention back to my phone. I didn't have time to deal with some.. 16 year olds?

"Uhm hi." I heard a girly voice beside me. I looked up from my phone seeing two of those girls looking down at me smilling nervously.

"hi." I said in a dry tone not wanting to comunicate.

"My friend there thinks that you're cute, would you maybe be nice enough to give her your phone number?" One of the girls pointed towards a blonde girl that was watching us from the distance they stood before.

I made quick eye contact with the girl before looking up at the two. "I have a girlfriend." I said in a more serious tone. I wasn't gonna give random teenage girls my phone number. I don't know any of them.

"Oh okay.." One of them said in a bit of a sad tone. "Could you still give it? Maybe something will happen between yur girl and you and.. you know." The other one said desprately trying yo get me to give them my number.

I raised my eyebrow. This is so stupid. "Where are your parents?" I ask getting more concerned by what these girls are doing.

"Oh parents? Well we're actually adults. Me and her are 19 but the blonde asking for your number 18." One of them said. 

"I'm not interessted in kids." Taylor is an exception. I know these girls aren't kids but in my view they still look 15-16 so they are practically kids.

One of them laughed slightly. "Well, we're not kids. How old are you?" She asked and I saw her friend reach all three of us. Their friend looked akward and shy but I honestly couldn't give a fuck how desprate these girls are to get my number. 

"24." I glance at their friend who smiled at me.

"You're 24? You look way younger." The brunettes eyes widened by my words.

"I know." I take out my phone to reply to Taylor's text. She just texted me a picture that Tristan took of me talking with those girls and I couldn't help but get a small smile formed on my face. Now she knew that I was back in Germany. I was a bit sad but at the end of the day it doesn't even matter.

"So do you and your girlfrinend love each other?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah, a lot." I needed to get these girls away from me, they were pretty annoying. "Why are you not here when I need you baddddd." I replied to Taylor's text sending a sad emoji.

"Do you think that she would care if you gave someone else your number?" The blonde asket in a quiet tone as I kept looking down at my phone.

"Pretty much. She's a over protective type of girl." I said in a dry tone continuing to scroll through my phone. "Look I'm busy, I don't have time to talk." I looked up at all three of them.

"oh." They looked at one another. "So you won't give us your phone number?" The blonde one asked.

I stood up from the small chair gesturing them to back away a little. "No, try finding single dudes instead of taken ones." I took my suitcase and walked away without saying another word. 


Hey guys, I hope you all liked this chapter. It's rlly, rlly short, I know but I had no ideas and this was the best I could do. I would like to thank you all on both of my stories, you guys are showing a lot of support and I apprechiate it so so SOOOOOO much!

I love you all that like either one of my stories and I'm gonna write more in the future to feed all of o0ur delusions! Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter!!

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