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Another person came. now there were 4 of us. Me, Tom, Alex and Georg. Georg, confused Georg walked in on us. 

"Hey, i just wanted to check up on Tom.." he said watching the whole scene. "but yeah i'll leave"

"actually we're about to leave too, aren't we Babe?" Tom said while looking at me. I wanted to get away from Alex asap so i nodded in agreement.

Alex looked at me and just as me and Tom were about to walk away from him he grabbed my hand, wrist.

"Taylor, love give me another chance please.. i swear i'm not gonna do that anymore.." He said in a sad voice while looking at me trying not to tear up.

"i have a boyfriend!" i said trying to pull my hand away. Tom turned his head and saw me struggling to get away from my ex. Tom was calm, at least he tried to be. He grabbed Alex's wrist and looked up at him with a death stare and a smirk on his face.

"do we have a problem here?" Tom asked Alex looking at him up and down.

"you stole her, my girlfriend!" Alex said. 

"Oh is that so?" Tom said raising his eyebrow. Alex nodded. "Here then, have her!" Tom said as he pulled his hand away and pushed me towards Alex.

i was fucking shocked. why the fuck would he just leave me like this, is he stupid or something?!

"we'll see who she'll run to." Tom added. I looked up at him, glared at him and he just smirked at me like nothing ever happened. 

Alex was looking at me aswell waiting for me to do something. He let go off my hand to see my reaction to Tom's words. 

I looked up at Alex, then at Tom. I moved, step by step untill i reached Tom. He put his hands around my waist and looked at Alex.

"Your girlfriend huh?" Tom said with a big, evil grin spread across his face.

Alex was mad, sad, furious all at once. I didn't look at him, i felt it. my head pressed onto Tom's chest as he caressed my hip with his thumb. he leaned closer to my ear and whispered something.

"Tired?" he whispered in my ear. I felt his hot breath on my neck as i shivered. I nodded. And me and Tom started walking away from Alex not even looking at him, not wanting to look at him.

"Taylor.." i heard his quiet voice from behind me as i left with Tom. 


"i don't know how to drive your car, Tom." i said as i felt his left hand around my waist pushing my body on the side of his making my head lean on his shoulder. we were walking to his car.

"it's not that hard, you just.. drive." he said in a calm tone.

"i've never drove an electric car. i suspect it's hard!" 

"i'll be awake if you'll need my help with anything." He said trying to make me feel better.

i stayed quiet. it's better that i drive than him, he drank alcohol after all and it wouldn't be as safe..

I walked to the drivers seat and got in. he sat in the passangers. i was nervous. nervous as hell that i'll make us crash into something. his Audi e-tron is an expensive car!

He showed me how to start it. i started it. it was an automatic so i didn't really need help with shifting gears. i pulled my seat forward so it would be easier for me to drive while Tom pulled the passangers backward. the difference between us was huge. he was a tall, big, grown ass adult while i was still a tiny, small, short teen. it's wrong thinking about it, but it's almost december which means that i'll be 18 soon.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Where stories live. Discover now