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Today I got off of work early and figured that I could use some time to call Taylor. I called her but she declined the call which made me confused. She got hung over last night with Tristan but since it was already about 3 pm for her when I had called, I thought he left already and went home. Taylor and Tristan were great friends so I knew that whatever they did together wasn't anything real.

A few minutes after I had called she returned the call. I was laying in my bed scrolling through my phone when her name popped up and I answered.

"Hey babe." I said in a more happy voice than usual. I was in a happy mood for ending the stuipd work early. I made three deals today which leaves only 14 stages.

"Hey, sorry I didn't answer Tristan is still here and I didn't have time." She said on the other side of the phone.

"It's alright I don't mind. How are you?" I rolled on the bed making me lay on my back. My hand stroked through my cornrows while I listened to her beautiful voice.

"I'm alright. My head just hurts a little from last night and my whole bathtub is filled with empty bottles." She said making me slightly laugh. "How's work?" She asked.

"I made three deals today and I'm little by little closer to coming back home. I think I'll be back in about four weeks or a little more than that. I miss you a lot." I said. The reason that I'm telling her so much about the work that I've been doing is because it's not my company that I'm working for.

"That's great." She answered in a tired voice. It was weird hearing her this way. She was usualy jumpy and kept bragging about random stuff. I listened to her even tho I didn't care how boring the new teacher is or what's the tea happening in her school.

There was a long pause in between is before I heard her sigh. "Tristan is waiting for me." She said.

"Right, I'll go to bed."

"Goodnight." She told me.

"Bye, I love y-" And she hung up. Was she mad at me or something? She has never done this before. I was taken aback by that but chose not to fight over it. I let out a sigh before closing my phone and putting it on the bedside table. I turned off the lights and slowly tried falling asleep.


The next morning I woke up feeling sad and tired. I got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom to do my routine. I washed my hands before rubbing my eyes so I could finally see a bit more clearly. I looked at myself in the mirror seeing my red cheeks and puffy eyes. Yes, I shred a few tears yesterday and cried myself to sleep. I hate thinking about me crying. I didn't cry often but when I did it was out of pure frustration or sadness. I hated the feeling of crying, I know a lot of people say that it's good to let it all out but I hate doing so. 

I splashed water over my tired face and dried it down before brushing my teeth. After I've done so I pulled off my boxers and ran the water in the shower. I needed to wash this sad, bad feeling away or my day wouldn't start good.

I hopped in the shower feeling the cold water run down on my scalp right to my feet. My breaths got a bit heavy and I shivered a few times as I rubbed my hands over my face. I took some shampoo and gently shampoed my hair and rubbed it over my body before I washed it under the water.


When I got to the office building I was greeted with Blaire. "Sir, Mr. Han is waiting for you infront of your office." She said.

"Okay." I replied with. I wasn't in the mood for long answers. I walked to my office seeing the American guy waiting for me. We shook hands before I unlocked my office and walked in. 

"So, Kaulitz. I'm here for the deal." He said sitting in the chair infront of my desk.

"I figured." I pulled some files from under the table and put them on the desk infront of him. I opened one before resting back in my seat with my hands in the pockets of my jeans. I explained the thing I explain every business man that comes in. Luckily this guy took the deal and I had 13 more to do.


Hey guys, Hope you liked this chapter. It's short, I know but I don't know what to write!! GIVE ME SOME IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS. Read my new story Camping trip🥰

Dont forget to vote and comment on this chapter. Love you all and I aprechiate all of the support❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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