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I walked slowly trying to listen in their conversation.

"You don't need Taylor, i'm right infront of your eyes. i'm prettier, sexier, less spoiled.." Ria said making my blood boil. that fucking bitch. my best friend of 9 years was betraying me wanting to sleep with my boyfriend. She's such a hoe, i should've known why she dressed like a stripper!

"i like girls like Taylor, not sluts like you. i'll make sure Taylor knows this.." he said to her in an angry tone.

"i can tell everyone that you and Taylor are sleeping together.."

Tom's smile faded. "you wouldn't do that."

"i dare to do that, Mr. Kaulitz." okay that was the last fucking straw. she wont call my man "Mr. Kaulitz" in a sexy tone. 

I walked up to them looking mad, disappointed.

"Oh hey Taylor I was just cleaning some dirt off of his shirt" Ria said smiling at me as she took a step back from Tom.

I can't believe it, now she's even lying about it in my face!

"Ria.. you fucking whore" I said, angry.

Tom was looking at me with a relieved look on his face. He probably thought that i'd think he was the one flirting.

"What..? Taylor what's wrong with you?" Ria said In a confused tone.

"I heard the whole Convo. "Mr. Kaulitz" really?!" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Ria kept quiet just staring at me now.

"Now I know why you didn't want me to be with Tom. You fucking like him. You wanted me to stay with Dylan because of Tom!" I yelled in her face.

"Taylor it isn't what it looks like!" She said.

"Are you fucking serious?!!?" I said frustrated. "Not what it looks like?! I saw it with my own eyes you bitch!" I said moving closer to her.


"9 fucking years, 9 years I've trusted you. 9 years of friendship for you to betray me like that!" I said angry.

Ria kept quiet. Tom was just watching me go all out, not stopping me.

"Not to mention, on my birthday. On my 18th birthday, The most important birthday of all!" My voice cracked as I tried not to cry.

Tom walked up to me pulling me away from Ria so nothing more could happen between us. I was now crying in his arms as he pulled me closer to him. My head rested on his chest while his hands were wrapped around my waist.

"Find a way back home yourself." Tom said to Ria glaring at her. "And if you dare say anything about me and Taylor, you're fucking dead." Tom threatened her.

Ria stayed quiet while listening to Tom's words. After he finished saying what he wanted to say she looked down at the floor and nodded.


Me and Tom then left. We went back to his car while I still cried. On our way home we didn't speak, I wasn't ready to. My 18th birthday was ruined by that bitch, I'm never forgiving her!

"Can I still give you your last gift?" Tom whispered, his eyes on the road.

"Sure.." I said wiping a tear off of my face.


Tom parked his car infront of his house.

"Wait here.."

He said as he got out of his car and rushed in his house. He came back with another small box. He entered the vehicle and started it again driving off of his drive way.

"What's the box for?" I asked staring at it.

He smirked and continued driving. "You'll see.." he said.

We then arrived at his destination which was.. my house. I was confused. He got out of his car and opened the door for me while still holding that box.

"Why infront of my house?" I asked confused.

"A surprise is waiting for you in the garage.." he pointed towards the two garage doors of my house.

"Okay.. weird." I was still pretty confused by the whole situation.

I opened the garage and i gasped seeing the Audi R8 V10 parked there. I turned to him shocked. He then handed me the box and i opened it revealing the key, the key to my brand new car.

"Tom.. " I whispered shocked. "First the concert, then the watch and now the fucking car.." i was crying. Tears of joy fell down my face.

"Hey you okay?" He asked worried as he moved closer to me putting his hand on my shoulder while looking down at my face.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, tears of joy." I said as i hugged him. "Thank you, thank you soo much.."

"It's your birthday after all. Plus you're worth spending so much money on" he chuckled as he said the last sentence. He hugged me thightly not letting go off of me..


Hey guys, i know that this chapter is rlly short but i can't really make a long one on my phone😭 i'll do a longer one tomorrow since i'll be going home and will finally have my laptop with me! I hope you liked this chapter, i personaly don't😄 if you guys want you're free to follow me on tiktok (user: quackbice) i would really apreciate it! Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. Luv you all❤️

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