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i went back inside the party house. the music was loud and my ears hurt. i kept walking not focusing on my sorroundings. suddenly i heard glass shatter. I jumped goosebumps all over my body. I looked oat the direction of the sound. everyone was gathered around the scene as the music was cut off.

I heard someone groan loud and i stepped closer taking a look at the scene. the crowd was big but i pushed my small body through it.

"Fuck.." somoene grunted. their voice was deep and dark. it sent cold shivers down my body in an instant after hearing it.

I got closer and closer to the scene. I was just a row of people away from getting a clear view of the thing going on. i stood on my tiptoes looking up to take a look. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed me by my waist making me gasp as they dragged me out of the crowd. I was to shocked to speak or do anything so i just let that stranger drag me behind them.

i was pushed to a wall as a boy, man leaned over me releasing his body weight on mine. I gasped again this time louder.

"let me go!" i said not even looking to see who it might be. i pushed him, nothing. i pushed him harder, nothing.. he didnt even flinch. i felt his head tilt down staring at me.

"why would you want me to go away?" he asked. i recognized the voice and looked up.

Seeing him again made me nervous. i was sweating hard. his dark brown hair that just layed infront of his beautifull green eyes. He didn't look like he was in a good shape, he looked.. broken.

"Alex.." i said shocked looking up at my ex. my first boyfriend that i had when i was 15..

"Taylor." he whispered as his fingers met my hair pushing it away from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"what are you doing here?" i asked in a quiet voice just.. staring.

"i don't know.. my friend brought me here.." he said glancing at the crowd. i suspect his friend is there.

His green eyes meet mine again and i felt 15 again for a moment. it was dark outside, i just finished my cheerleading practice walking on the streets that lead to my house. i wore a crop top and sweatpants, my hair was put in a ponytail with my bangs right over my forehead. a car pulled up and i glanced at the direction of it. It was a volkswagen beetle. The car window rolled down revealing a cute, handsome boy, man sitting in the drivers seat looking at me with a smile on his face.

"need a ride?" he asked me. i looked at his car. a man driving a beetle. not that i complain i just never saw a man drive one.

"i'm almost at my house but thanks for the offer" I lied. i was scared. that man looked around 17 and i was 15. not big of an age gap but i'm still in primary school year 9, my last year before highschool.

"it's gonna rain." the stranger informed me. "it won't hurt you to get a drive, c'mon." he really wanted me in there. i thought about it for a moment and nodded. A small smile formed on the side of his lips making him look more attractive than he already was. i sat in the passanger seat of his car and told him my destination. he started driving.
and driving..
and driving..

we arrived to my house. he looked at me. i looked at him. our eyes meeting. i blinked and looked away feeling embarrassed. A blush spread across my cheeks as i started covering it up with my hands. he then grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my face.

"don't cover yourself. i enjoy watching you." He said. i already froze by his touch that sent goosebumps all over my body. his voice was sharp, harsh, cold but warm at the same time. i put my other hand away from my face now just starring at him. a small smiled spread across my face which made him smile aswell.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Where stories live. Discover now