II. and at every table, ill save you a seat, lover

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Taylor's POV

August 24, 2019

The excitement and pride of a new album being released was fueling. This new album she released yesterday was unlike her past seven, it was a love album. Almost every song was inspired by and written about a blonde British boy she just couldn't get enough of. The best part was, she was back home in Pennsylvania with her family who she adored. Taylor scrolled through instagram eager to see what people thought about Lover. Most of the feedback was positive. Some fans had even expressed that this was their favorite of her work. She sat on the couch scrolling mindlessly when an add had appeared about the foster system in Pennsylvania.

Creepy how my phone knows my location. She thought.

She continued to scroll but couldn't get the add out of her mind. She would be staying in Pennsylvania until August. Her and Joe had even bought a house here for the summer since they had decided to move in together with Joe not currently working on a movie. The topic of  kids had been passed around often between the lovers. But, it was almost always resolved in that a baby and toddler was way too much work. Maybe not a teenager though?

Joe had just gotten out of the shower and grabbed an apple from the kitchen. He sat next to her and took her into an embrace. His wet hair on her head as he kissed her cheek and pulled away.

"Whatcha looking at darling?" He spoke in his thick British accent. Taylor adored it. She thought it was one of his best features.

"Just feedback on the album." She started facing him and putting her phone down. "It all seems positive so far!"

"I knew it! I'm telling you Taylor this is some of your best work yet. Although everything you do is amazing." He took her hands, kissing one.

"Thank you Joe. That always means so much to me. I just work so hard like, it would pain me for people to not love my work." He truly made her happy. He was unlike any other boyfriend she had ever been with. He really cared about her and wasn't fake or, on or off about her. He was committed and consistent. She checked her phone seeing as it neared 7:00 pm.

"I'm going to go start dinner." She said ruffling his wet hair as he grabbed the tv remote.

"Sounds good. Let me know if you need help." Joe knew Taylor liked to bake and cook alone sometimes. It was one of her perfectionist things. He adored that about her how she would hum one of her songs and be incredibly focused on a recipe. In his eyes, she was cuter then all three of their cats. Yup, even the kitten.

Within an hour Taylor had prepared a meal for the both of them. She called him over to eat and he immediately turned off the television and almost ran over to the delicious smell. It was impossible for Taylor to make something that tasted bad or even just good. Everything always tasted great. As she served him his portion, he sat down and settled himself while complimenting how good the dish looked. The cats soon followed hoping for a bite as well even trying to jump onto the table as Joe struggled to keep them down. Taylor watched anxiously as his eyes lit up with the first bite.

"This is amazing love! Thank you for dinner."

She admired his affection and gratefulness towards her. She always felt really lucky to have him. She thanked him and began on her plate. After a few seconds of silence, the blonde girl had decided it was a good time to reintroduce the idea of a kid. Particularly from the foster add that wouldn't escape her mind.

"So Joe, today I saw an add on my Instagram," she started. Anxiety on how he would react filled her. She hated being a people pleaser but, it was what she seemed to do best. She figured it was most logical to just rip off the bandaid. "It was for the Pennsylvanian Foster Care system. And I know we talked about not wanting little kids because of how time consuming and busying they would be but what if we fostered an older kid like a teenager? I've done research and teens are way less likely to be fostered then any other age. Also it would be easier for us?" At this point she was just rambling, "I know we talked about having our own kids if we wanted to have any but I feel like this could be a good opportunity for us and it would help a kid who needs a family. We can provide them with an amazing family Joe!"

He finished chewing before he answered, clearly thinking. "Taylor, I honestly think that this is a great idea." She let out the breath she had been holding in. "How about this weekend we go and set up a meeting. We can meet some kids maybe and if we really connect with one we could take them in. I'm actually really excited about this!"

"I'll also make a donation to the program just to help out. Id take all of them in but it would just be way too much work and undoable-"

"Taylor I think donation is great idea. Darling I know you really want to help and do the most for the program but some things are out of your control sometimes." He took her hands as she breathed heavily. Her heart was pounding uncontrollably as her anxiety got the best of her as usual. "The important thing is that you're doing  your best and you're going above and beyond in helping them. Love, you're doing great and you're doing a great thing just please don't stress or beat yourself up over this."

And there it was. The reason she loved him so much. He knew what to say and when and he was so sincere it just made her eyes turn into hearts. Her heart slowed agreeing with her in this and she could feel her breath even out. She didn't want to, but she softly cried a little bit. Her empathy towards others was her greatest weakness and Joe knew that. Everyone knew that. He stood up and hugged her from behind as she buried her face in her hands. She wasn't expecting to cry during their dinner.

"I'm sorry I just, I don't know why I get so worked up over these things." She apologized quietly into her palms.

He shushed her sand gently rocked her back and forth.

"Love, it's alright. You have a big heart. Too big for this world even. You're doing great things okay? Don't stress over this. Look into the positive. We will have a kid, Taylor. I love you so much alright?"

"Thank you for saying that. I love you too." She wiped her tears onto her sleeves. Taylor had a guilty pleasure of wearing sweaters in the summer. The one she had on today was a white turtle neck with beautiful sewing patterns on it. It was her favorite and if she really wanted, she could write a song about it. Joe kissed her head.

"How about, and before you deny I insist. I'll clean up dinner and the table while you shower and get into your pajamas. I'll meet you in bed and we can lay together and watch Friends?" She knew he was making an effort because he didn't like Friends like she did and tended to be bored of the show. She took up the offer though, kissing his lips and walking up the stairs with Meredith following on her heels. Taylor knew tonight she would be safe and comfortable. She always was with him.

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