III. you take a deep breath and you walk through the doors

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Taylor's POV

August 25, 2019

It was finally Saturday. The fresh start of a new week. Her album had been running its course for two days now and the encouragement just kept rolling in. Taylor nervously scrolled through her Twitter while Joe focused on the drive. He had set up an appointment a few days prior with the supervisor of the Pennsylvanian Foster Care System. She had hoped that the love from her fans would somehow magically delete the anxiety she felt. One post managed to do that.

taylor you'll prob never see this but your music has helped me through really dark times. now especially the lover album. my home life wasn't great but now i'm out of the situation and can finally continue to enjoy your music but in peace. thank you for being such a great role model and person! i love you taylor swift!!!!! #Lover #TSLover #TaylorSwift #TaylorNation

Unknowingly to her, the blonde woman had started to cry tears of happiness. Knowing she had that impact on people was an amazing and relieving feeling. People really did like her. Joe had turned to her sniffling and rested his right hand on her leg.

"Taylor, what's wrong love?"

"Sorry Im just overwhelmed with emotions right now and I read the sweetest post from a fan and I couldn't help but get a bit emotional. I promise these are happy tears." She replied while dabbing under her eyes with a tissue from the tissue compartment, being careful not to ruin her makeup. One thing Taylor loved about her albums was that she could take on the aesthetic. She had done this today with an ombré of pink eyeshadow across her eyelids and her signature red lipstick. She loved the freedom especially after releasing her first self-owned album.

Their car pulled into a small lot where a tall and boxy brick building stared down at them. A large sign in dark green letters above them read Pennsylvanian Foster Care System, and with that they had known they were at the right place. They entered after a few steps up and through two brown/stained wood doors. The place was small with a reception desk ahead and only maybe a dozen chairs sitting neatly against the walls. It smelled clean almost but not quite like a doctors office. It was refreshing and warmly lit. Joe had reached and secured her hand in his. Her hands were slightly wet from the heat outside and the sweat that had previously consumed her body. It was hard to hear what Joe had said to the woman at the desk as Taylor's thoughts were louder than anything in the room. It took her by surprise how Joe started to lead her to the door to the right of them, and down the hall. She was out of her thoughts enough now to hear him repeatedly whispering to himself the name Chase.

The room they were let into wasn't too small. It was cozy. The walls we're lined with book cases of binders filled with files of kids in the system. Almost in the center of room stood a large desk and behind it sat a short red haired woman with glasses. She had stood up at the sight of the blonde couple entering.

"Hello, I am Samantha Chase. I'm a case worker and supervisor here." She shook both of their hands.

"Hi I'm Taylor Swift and this is my boyfriend Joseph Alwyn." It was almost inevitable that they would be recognised immediately at their looks if not after their introduction. Taylor knew that. It was just what being famous in tailed.

"Yes! I know you. I listen to your music sometimes. It's really incredible. You have a great mind." The woman calmly complimented. Taylor smiled and thanked her graciously for the meaningful words.

"So," the woman began, starting to sitting down, "You have called in and expressed your interests towards fostering. Am I correct?"

"Yes. My boyfriend called you guys last week about it." Taylor responded.

"Alright. So you both are qualified to foster a child. No criminal records or drug or alcohol history. And you both seem like great people."

Taylor wanted to stand up and cheer maybe even do a happy dance but she refrain. She can do that later. The joy of being eligible outweighed the uneasiness of the situation now.

"Is there a certain age or age range your looking for in a child to take in?"

"Yes, actually. We talked and we want someone a bit older. Preferably a teenager." Joe answered for the both of them. He knew Taylor still felt a bit of guilt about not being able to help all of the children who are misplaced there.

"We have a few teens actually. When I say a few I mean around two or maybe three who aren't currently being fostered. We recently had some move to a group home so unfortunately they aren't in our care or control anymore. Would you like to read about the ones that are currently here?"

This time Taylor quickly spoke, "Yes! Please that would be great." The excitement was rising in her. The woman had laid out three binders on the table in front of the young lovers.

"Here we have Katelyn Garrison who is 17, Mason Edwards who is 14, and someone who just recently arrived this week named Betty Allrad. She's 14. Are you interested in hearing their backgrounds for me or would you rather read them from inside their files. If you do foster anyone today you will be able to take the file home with you."

"I think I would rather hear the backgrounds from you. What do you thinks darling?" Joe asked.

Taylor agreed. "I agree. Me too."

"Alright. We have had Mason since he was an infant. He was given up by his parents after his birth because they were unable to raise him and wanted to give him the best, so they thought here in foster care would be the best place for him. He recently got back from a foster home. He was placed in a home with a lot of children and it was too overwhelming for him. He definitely prefers quieter places."

Taylor nodded, she intently listen to the woman.

"Next who is newer here is Betty Allrad. She comes from a French-American family and is bilingual. English is her first language though. She got here this week." The woman lowered her voice, "She was rescued on Monday from an abusive and unfit household. Her parents treated her awfully and were addicts. They are in the process of being sent to court and rehab. Unfortunately the girl is traumatised."

"How was she abused, if you don't mind me asking?" Joe spoke matching the lady's tone.

"Definitely physically. You can see it on her. We are also assuming emotionally too and she seems mentally drained. We are currently working on. setting her up with a therapist. She seems very shy and sensitive but overall a sweet girl."

Taylor felt her heart break. How could people be so cruel to a child? Or anyone for that matter. No kid deserves that. She wanted this girl to have a better life, maybe even with her. She turned and locked eyes with Joe attempting to send him the same message she was thinking as the worker started on the last case. He seemed to have gotten the message.

"Erm excuse me ma'am?" He cut her off politely.

"Yes? Oh, and please, call me Samantha."

"I think we want to take in Betty Allrad." He looked at Taylor for her approval and earned it by her gentle nods.

"Alright that's wonderful! Are you both sure about this?"

"Yes, we are absolutely sure." Taylor responded. A feeling of satisfaction had now taken over her. This foster thing felt great.

"Okay well, I will go get her to meet you both now if that's okay? And i'll also give you her file to continue reading about her in the meanwhile. I'm sure she will be thrilled to hear this. I'm assuming you're looking to adopt her today. I understand your home has been deemed fit as well."

"Yes! Thank you so much, Samantha." Taylor said graciously.

Joe nodded, "We really appreciate

"My pleasure." And with that, the red headed woman had walked out, only to walk back in with their newest addition.

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