VI. i was ridin shotgun with my hair undone

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Betty's POV

August 28, 2019

Her head was pounding as she woke up. It was only 8 am and the two had fallen asleep at 6 am. Two hours of sleep wouldn't be nearly enough for a day of travels but sleeping on the plane may be an option. Going from western Pennsylvania to upstate New York is around a 30 minute flight, plus the drive to Taylor's apartment would be around an hour with traffic. Maybe that could be time to sleep? Betty looked over a Taylor who was trying to silence her alarm, her eyes were barely open as she groaned exhausted. The two had fallen asleep on the couch, Betty in her arms, after a long night of songwriting. When Taylor was finally able to shut it off, she tossed her phone down and started to rub her eyes breathing deeply. It didn't take a deceive to figure out that she was just as exhausted as well. She took Betty into a hug letting almost all of her weight even out with hers.

"Good morning honey." Taylor said with a raspy voice. "I'm gonna go make coffee. You want some?" She asked.

"Sure, thank you." The blonde girl replied releasing herself from Taylor's bear hug and standing up with her. "I'll go pack up now."

"Okay." Taylor replied walking out of the room and calling behind her, "Flights at 9:30, we're taking the jet."

"Sounds good." Betty yelled out back and with that she started her packing journey. If you've ever packed, you know it's definitely a journey. You're excited for the trip, you don't know what to pack, you pack too much, your missing something, you forgot if you packed something. So many distractions take place and it's even worse when you feel like a corpse. Betty sighed looking at the big purple suitcase Taylor had provided her with. She didn't have much from her previous house that she took with her, and Taylor had taken her online quite a lot to buy clothes and necessities for her. She had even surprised her with a lot of clothes and belongings not only on her birthday, but in general. All in all, the Swift household shopping experiences usually consisted of online shopping except when buying produce. Taylor preferred to do that in person. She was picky with her produce.

Taylor's POV

As Taylor stood waiting for the coffee to fall into the coffee pot under the machine, she sent her usual morning text to Joe. To her surprise Joe had already sent one. Must have been an early day on set.

Good morning love. I hope everything's going well at home
How are you and Betty doing?
Up to anything lately?
Good morning baby. I'm good.
Me and Bet we're up past 4 last night working on music. We ended up with two songs maybe for a new album
I can't wait to show you
I hope filming is going well too
Oh and today we're going to NY for that performance tmrw

He responded almost immediately.

That's great i'm glad it's all working out! I'm excited to hear these new songs
I'll be watching your performance on the plane ride home. don't worry❤️
Thanks Joe
I love you so much
I'll talk to you later thought. I have to go pack up and make sure Bet is ready to leave
flights at 9
Alright love i'll talk to you later than.
have a great day. i love you too❤️

Taylor smiled, putting her phone down and grabbing the freshly hot coffee and diving it upon two mugs. She took a sip of hers and carried the other upstairs to her daughter. Once arriving at her room, she
used her elbow to knock on the door to which she received a "come in!"

She entered to find her daughter zipping up her suitcase. She looked to the alarm clock on her bedside table that read 6:30 am.

"It's already 6:30?" She said handing the mug down over to Betty who graciously took and and took a generous sip.

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