VIII. but if i just showed up at your party

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September 1, 2019

Taylor's POV

The performance went amazingly and the two had gotten home a few days ago. Joe had been back at the house already but he didn't mind staying alone and taking care of the cats for Taylor. Betty had been acting more short tempered and isolated since the rumor about James had reached her which fortunately Taylor was the one who could understand best out of anyone else in the world. Taylor had also explained that the majority of next year until Lover Fest, which would be announced in a little over two weeks, that they would be staying at her house in LA. Then when the shows started up, they would be traveling so it wasn't a great idea to settle down for school. She offered Betty to do online school with a private tutor which to Swift's surprise, the teen accepted with time.

Since the three of them would be leaving for LA tomorrow night, Taylor offered Betty to host a party at her house. Just a smaller get together so the teen could say goodbye to her friends. She ran it by Joe who was more than happy to host with her and Betty. The sun was just starting to set as it neared 6:30pm, the house was had minor decorations up. Taylor had told the girl to invite everyone in her classes, not minding that it would be around 70 kids. Taylor didn't even bring up the idea of James attending before Betty made it clear he wouldn't be invited. That was easily agreed with by Taylor and Joe who had been recently filled in on the drama. Betty had made it clear that "until he debunked the rumors or made an effort, she wouldn't talk to him ever again." Which was a pretty valid solution if you asked Taylor. Betty had actually made a friend out of Inez out of this too, Taylor was beyond grateful someone else could also provide her support during this time. Joe snuck behind her pressing an affectionate kiss to her lips. People would be arriving soon and that meant Taylor had to go into what she called "Host Mode". Inexperienced? Absolutely not. Taylor had countless experiences from secret sessions and girls nights. She could win an award on her hosting abilities.

Betty's POV

The party was going great. The sun had went down hours ago and the clock displayed 8:25 which happened to be Betty's birthday in time form. Her superstitious self made a wish at the time withdrawing herself from the party. I wish he would come back to me and apologize. What if he just apologized and said it was false.

He haunted her what if's. The only thoughts playing in her mind at any hour were scenarios of him coming back to her. She spent every night before bed praying to God that he would bless her and send him back. She knew that if anyone could show her if he was the one like she thought, it would be God. She trusted him.

"Hey Bet come play beer pong!" Her friend Audrey shouted. She stood with her boyfriend and Inez. Snapping out of her silent yet sacred prayer, she put on her happy face and walked out. Taylor and Joe were the only ones knowing how this boy took over her life and haunted her. The times she would desperately cry in Taylor's arms. The emptiness of the nonexistent closure. It all hid through her smile, but shined through her eyes.

As Betty picked up a ball and threw it aiming for the other teams cups trying to laugh along with Audrey and Inez, Taylor had walked over to subtly check up on everything.

"Wait this is cute. Smile guys!" She said snapping a picture.

"Send that to me!" Betty shouted as she walked away. The heartbreak felt less evident in her now. As the night progressed, the thought of James hadn't crossed her mind in hours. As she spun and danced in her highest heels it was like she was shining. Most teens were minorly intoxicated, nothing serious, but Betty refused to drink until she came of age. Taylor assured her that was okay. She wore a white flowy dress that stopped a bit above her knee. The fabric was decorated with a blue floral pattern, she wore an unbuttoned light grey cardigan over it to ease her from the summer breeze as the teens were outside as much as they were in. She swore she heard the doorbell ring but didn't think much of it. It was probably just the music right? That was her conclusion until she heard it again. Pulling her cardigan back over her shoulders, she headed for the door. No one could even tell she left. It was weird she was getting this much attention anyway. She knew they all played nice to her now especially since of her new household. Audrey was the only one she knew she could trust. She made her way to the wooden door escaping the party and opened the door.

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