V. im a fire and ill keep your brittle heart warm

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August 27, 2019

Betty's POV

It's been almost a week since she had arrived at what would be her new forever home. When she had made it inside, Taylor and Joe had showed her to her room and offered to customize it to her likings, though she politely declined and ended up keeping the light blue walls and beach theme of what used to be a guest room. She had definitely grown close with the superstar over the week. She felt she could trust Taylor with anything and even Joe. Her previous home situation had never been brought up or talked about. She wasn't ready to tell the story and relive it. Joe had left a day prior to shoot commercial in Liverpool a few days after July 6th, Betty's birthday. So, it was just Betty, Taylor, and the cats. It was nearing 8pm and the two girls had eaten a delicious dinner from a family recipe Taylor had shared and cooked with her. Taylor had finished up feeding the cats and plopped down on the couch next to the curly haired girl sighing.

"What's up?" Betty spoke looking up from her phone.

"I had a song idea and I forgot about it. I couldn't write it in my notes because my stupid phone is still doing an IOS update." Taylor replied stressed.

"I'm sure you'll remember. Or i'll just come up with something for you if you're super worried."

Taylor froze and stared into the girls deep blue eyes.

"Have you ever written a song?" Taylor asked her.

"No I haven't. I've always wanted to try though but I don't really have anything to write about."

"How about you help me write a song. I'm thinking of staring a new album and aesthetic but I don't know what to call it or code it with yet."

"You should do something summery. It's summer so it'll be easier to write it that way." Betty suggested turning off her phone and putting it face down on the couch. She wanted to write a song with Taylor. Every night since she had arrived, minus the very first night, Taylor had started to teach her guitar, she wanted to learn piano too but figured that would be after she was confident enough in her prioritised guitar lessons.

Taylor's POV

This was odd. Taylor almost never suffered a writers block, but when she did it drove her crazy. She thought back to experiences over the past week since she had taken in and announced the adoption of the blonde teen. One memory stood o ur and haunted her, Taylor had offered to take Betty to the studio after going out for dinner a few nights ago but they were bombarded and caught by paparazzi and just ended up ordering a pizza to be delivered instead. That's the moment Betty realised she had a fear and wasn't accustomed or at all fond of paparazzi everywhere, at all times, constantly yelling and grabbing at her. Ever since the incident, Taylor had decided it was best to stay at home for now and hire a few extra body guards.

If only Betty had peace. Peace.

"Hey hon, I got one." She spoke to the teen making eye contact. "Let's try to write this one together. And on the piano."

"Okay!" Betty rose and practically skipped to the designated music room with Olivia following her close behind. It made Taylor's heart happy how much she'd grown close to her and how out of her shell the girl was now. Taylor sat down at the piano and patted the bench offering the girl a seat near to her, she started to pull out her notebook and newly updated phone opening the voice memos app.

"I'm thinking this one could be about you from my perspective."

"What do you mean?" Betty looked up at her with gleaming eyes.

"You remember the paparazzi swarm from last Saturday?" It earned her a nod. "I've been dwelling on it and the fact that as long as your with me, i'll never be able to give you peace or privacy. I've overthought it out to convince myself that sometimes you don't like me or living with me and Joe. I just wanted you to be able to celebrate your 15 birthday the right way since you've gotten here and I've just felt guilty-" She caught herself rambling on and stopped. Nagging thoughts had replaced themselves with lyrics in her head.

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