IV. but i know im laughing, on the car ride home with you

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Betty's POV

August 25, 2019

Living in a foster house is rough but still proved her theory that anything is better than living in her house. Since she had arrived, Betty had been questioned about her parents, questioned about herself, and questioned by every other kid in the place why she was there. Although she answered the others, every kid was ignored or politely told that she didn't want to talk about it. It was still a fresh wound to her. The only thing really keeping her joy was Lover. She had taken a particular liking to Daylight, as it somewhat reminded her of her house situation. Notice how she never used the word home? House and home were very different in her mind and she was sure she would never mix them up. She had been taken back to her house earlier that week to collect some of her things. She didn't have many things or the will to keep many things at all, everything was fit into her suitcase or backpack.

Once again, she laid on her bed over the sheets in attempt to cool off from the blazing heat. Even though they were inside, the kids' floor was just as hot and humid as the outdoors. But hey, no one said the foster system was luxury. Betty sat up as her case worker Ms. Chase had knocked and entered. She sat down on the rough bed next to Betty.

"Hey hon, how are you feeling today?" Ms. Chase asked, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"Fine, I guess." Betty wasn't exactly one to open up right away. Especially after having no one to talk to for almost her entire life. Fine was the most the red haired woman had gotten out of her for the near week she'd been there.

"That's good. Betty, I have a couple downstairs interested in fostering you today. They would like to meet you but between you and me, they seem to have their minds set on you. How about you come down and meet them. If all goes well you should be out of here within an hour or two."

Throughout all of the feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and exhaustion somehow this news provided her with a pinch of happiness. She forced herself to look on the bright side as she shoved her
phone into her back pocket and followed the shorter woman down the stairs to her office. Maybe this could be a forever family who would love her. Most kids weren't lucky enough to be fostered as soon as she was. This is a good thing.

The door opened as Betty walked into the small dark office. Her eyes immediately landed on a blonde couple sitting in the chairs talking with their hands intertwined. They faced away from the door but turned when they heard it open and almost immediately stood up at the sight of the girl in front of them. Betty could sense them as they took her presence in and observed her. They both smiled.

Taylor's POV

Betty had walked in. She looked like if summer was a person. She had dirty blonde curly hair that went just pasted her armpits, beautiful blueish green eyes with life in them, and an occasional freckles scattered on her body. She wasn't tall, but she wasn't short and looked to be about 5'4. She stood in baggy jean short overalls with a lose white shirt underneath and a gold necklace across her neck. The exposed pieces of her body looked bruised or cut up. Taylor forced herself to answer how could someone hurt such a beautiful girl? She looked almost like she could be a mix of Taylor and Joe.

The girl looked stunned. She couldn't tell if it was because she had recognised Taylor and Joe, been fostered, or both. Taylor stayed polite  against her nagging thoughts and urge to question everything about her even while she had her file in her possession.

"Hi I'm Taylor and this is my boyfriend Joe." She introduced herself offering her hand to shake. Joe shook her hand after while he smiled endearingly at her.

"It's nice to meet you, love." He spoke softly, yet his accent echoed through the room.

Betty's POV

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