XI. we are alone, just you and me

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March 13, 2020

Taylor's POV

Taylor groaned placing down her phone and running her hands through her frizzy curly hair.

"Joe, check the news!" She shouted which grabbed Betty's attention. She sat on the other side of the couch and seemingly noticed the blondes stress.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "What happened?"

"They're closing everything down in the world until further notice. We can't leave the house for a long time Bet, at least after today because of this sickness."

"Oh." Was all she said. Taylor could read her face enough to know she was thinking. "Maybe it won't be such a bad thing. We could write more music!" She brought up.

Music. How could she be so stupid. Taylor cursed herself. It was the perfect time to put Folklore into action. It would definitely cure the boredom and could totally be written. The only issue would be production because of isolation but she thought that issue could be for later.

"You're so right!" She said standing up from the couch. Just then,  Joe walked in holding his phone.

"They want us to stay here until further notice? We can't even leave the country or let people in. I have my family in England so i'll be without them for what could be months." He said worried.

"Joe, you got us." Betty paused. "Joe you should help with the album too!" She offered.

Taylor had never thought of that. Is that something he would do? It could be fun and bonding for the family.

"Yeah actually. That sounds like fun." He replied, the smile returned to his face. "I'm going to run out to a few stores and grab a bunch of food and other things if we are going to be trapped in here for bloody ages." He grabbed sunglasses and a mask, kissed Taylor, and headed out after saying goodbye.

Betty turned to Taylor. "I know you have an album idea. Share it!" She said.

This girl was smart. She read Taylor just as well as Taylor read her. It was like mother daughter telepathy.

"I'm thinking of having it be more indie and foresty. I think it'll be called Folklore."

"Is it going to be like folky type music?" Betty asked. Could this girl actually read minds.

"Yeah actually. And we could put peace and seven on it. Seven could be our track seven. Oh and I have a song idea that Joe could help with since it's about him and I. I'm thinking of calling it invisible string. I have a few potential lyrics in my notes. I'm trying to think of other ideas for it."

"Use your past experiences. Is it going to be sad or happy?"

"I think a mix? I haven't really been heartbroken or upset over a relationship in years so it's hard to write about that kind of stuff now but I totally would. My "relatable" songs seem to be more healing to my listeners. And also I really want to write a song about you, possibly just calling it Betty." She informed.

"I have an idea." Betty spoke.

"Do tell." Taylor leaned in jokingly raising one eyebrow with her notes app handy.

"What if instead of it being Betty it could be a song about the whole James situation. I think I'll move on and cope with it better from now on if we write about it."

"That's a great idea! Wait Bet, how about we have multiple songs about it though but one from yours and one from James' perspective too?"

"Yes!" She said as she watched Taylor quickly type all of this in. "Another idea," the teen started, "What if we had a third song but from Augustine's perspective too? I just remembered I have a lot of journal entries about this in my notes that we can use. And I also write specific phrases from the fight and previous texts that we can incorporate."

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