XII: "we're all bored, we're all so tored of everything"

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July 23, 2019

Taylor's POV:
It had been months since the Swift house had felt any ounce of normalcy whatsoever. The past months of being caged in a house were spent either writing, playing games, sleeping, unenthusiasticly watching idotic politicans argue, watching the world go up in flames, or.... rewatching Miss Americana or The Reputation Stadium Tour per Betty's request.

On a more positive note, Folklore was finished and ready to go. Taylor had decided to surprise drop the album. In early celebration, Joe, Taylor, and Betty had decided a little celebration wouldn't hurt. Taylor baked while Joe tackled the decorations with Betty's help. Help as in Betty told him where to put everything and he just abided. Taylor figured it would also be fun to facetime her and Joe's parents to join in on the party. She thought it'd be fun to have them get the first listen of the new album.

Taylor had began to post a grid on instagram of the albums cover before announcing it. She'd do that later. For now it was just her, and the people she loved most. Taylor sat on the couch on Joe and scrolled on her phone to the music. Joe offered her a piece of the amazing cinnamon rolls she'd made earlier to which she opened her mouth accepting it in response. Betty sat across from the couple with a 2 of the cats. Meredith sat near Joe on the top of the couch. It was always odd how much she liked Joe. She didn't seem to like people at all especially not Taylor or Betty who'd been scratched and bitten constantly even though she always insisted the cat "just needed to warm up to her".

"Alright," Taylor started, "This is track 1. It's called the one. Woah I know play on words it's so genius right."

Andrea rolled her eyes and chuckled. "If I was a with you right now I'd smack ya in the arm." She said.

"Shhhh" Taylor shushed her mother, blushing at the scolding, she buried herself deeper into Joe's chest. He kissed her head as the song played on.

The family secret sessions went well. After listening, they took time to catch up with anything new and how they were doing. London seemed to be in a way better direction than America was, it was clear the American inhabitants envied the Alwyns in London. By the time they hung up, Taylor was posting the announcement for the album. With the help of Betty, she'd been working on stopping her millennial typing habits. Betty constantly made fun of her for them and coached her on how to text like a normal person. So, the announcement was the most Gen Z Taylor it could've been while still grammatically correct.

"Taylor!" Betty called from a few rooms over. "Tay. LOR."

"Yeah?" Taylor screamed back, too bothered to get up and walk over.

"Your cat threw up on the floor and it's nasty. I'm gonna throw up by lookin at it." As she finished her sentence, Betty walked into the room.

"What?" Taylor asked, being too in her thoughts to have understood what she said.

"I said, one of the cats threw up on the floor. It's really gross."

"Ugh" She groaned, "Do you know which one?"

"Well Benji was by the crime scene when I went over and Mere is upstairs with Joe. I don't know where Olivia is..." She trailed off.

"Alright, it's probably Benji than. I'll go clean it up. Let me know if anyone texts or calls me though!" She said starting her journey out to the broom closet. "You remember my password right?"


"Alright don't do anything dumb on there though. And I know you wouldn't do this but please do not go through my messages or emails."

Betty's POV

"I know mom. It's fine." Betty responded picking up and unlocking Taylor's phone. She decided a post on Taylor's story would be fun.

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