VII. a first glace feeling on new york time

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Taylor's POV

August 28, 2019

Taylor woke up to the feeling of descending. Looking next to her she had realized the girl had fallen asleep against her on the plane too. Even though it was a short ride, the exhaustion of last nights events was strong enough to put them out anywhere. She softly called her name in attempts to wake her in a humane way before realizing that Betty still had her headphones on meaning the music was probably still playing. This would mean Taylor fell asleep first. The last thing she remembered was listen to Betty rant on and on about Phoebe Bridgers and her band Boygenius and even how it would be "historical" if they ever collaborated on a song, to which Taylor promised to do her research on Phoebe. Mostly because her daughter looked up to this artist so much and she figured this was something else they could talk about. As she snapped out of her run through of earlier, she remembered that Betty only wore her headphones when she was alone and she never wore them on a quiet setting. She figured it would be helpful to turn the music off then wake her.

She picked up her phone off of the sleeping girl's lap. She had a safe green phone case covering the beautiful clean and iridescent white color of her phone. Even her phone fit Betty perfectly. It wasn't a secret she loved green and the number 3 in the way Taylor loved 13. Go figure when Taylor paused the song, it landed on 3:33. She curiously looked at the song that was playing, The Best Day. One of Taylor's favorites.Taylor couldn't help but wonder if the song made Betty think of her in the way she wrote the song for her mother. The special time she surprised her with it and she didn't even realized it was about her at first. Smiling to herself, her eyes ventured around the phone like a curious cat. The lock screen was a picture Joe had taken of Taylor and Betty on Betty's birthday. Taylor had just given her the first ever copy of her Lover journal and her own blank Lover journal. She had also received sweatshirts and shirts from over the past albums. In the picture she and Taylor were hugging and laughing in dim lighting. Taylor smiled back remembering the moment. But then something else caught her eye.

James Martin Betty please just text me
It was a mistake im really sorry
please just give me another chance
i don't know really anything but i know i miss u
and 3 more messages

Who was James? Are they dating? Wouldn't Betty tell her if something is going on? Doesn't she trust her? She made a mental note to ask Betty about that later. Taylor cursed at herself for getting distracted again. She gently shook the girl softly telling her to wake up as the plane had landed. Betty rubbed her eyes and complained but complied. As the two stepped off the plane and immediately sat in their car, Betty looked at her phone and went pale. Obviously the message bothered her and triggered her emotions in some way. Taylor watched intently trying to read her face as the teen furiously tapped on the screen with her thumbs. She was texting him back. With so many gaps between each word it was impossible to figure out what was going on other than Betty was hurt and or angry by this guy named James. And he "made a mistake". The car ride ended up around an hour and a half. It was just silence the entire time until around 45 minutes in when Taylor couldn't take it anymore.

Betty's POV

She had once again flipped her phone down as she sent another message. Why were boys so dumb? He was just a friend why wouldn't he understand that. She wanted space too. He couldn't get that? And since when did Inez actually tell the truth? Was she right all those other times?

"Bet? Honey hello?" Taylor said waving in her face, breaking Betty's piercing glance at the floor and nagging questions.

"Yea, yeah sorry. Uhm, what's up?" She asked trying to pull herself together. Her phone started to ding again signaling messages were received. She longed to pick up her phone, but she didn't want to fight anymore. She just wanted space.

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