IX. i wont let nobody hurt you, wont let no one break your heart

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September 1, 2019

Betty's POV

As they neared home, a figure of a woman stood in the light of the front porch.

And they turned onto the cobblestone pathway, she ran to them.

Taylor's POV

As soon as the figures of her daughter and boyfriend were recognizable, she ran to them. She looked at Betty. Hee smeared lipstick, her wet eye lashes and tear stains, her running mascara and reddened face.

"Oh honey." She said hugging the teen as Joe let go. "Come inside it's chilly. Come on, tell me what happens to you baby." Betty started to lightly cry again. She took the girl and led her into the house helping her get her shoes off and sitting on her on the couch with fresh tea.

Once she got the texts from Joe saying "Found her. Very upset. James came. Talk later but she's safe." She hasn't left the message page since and stood on the porch with the words glaring at her. Her daughter was upset. And because of some teenage jerk.

"Baby this tea is for you." She said handing her the warm cup and watching as she took a sip. Her hands still shook. "Bet, honey, what happened." She asked, holding her hands.

Betty explained everything. In greater detail then she had with Joe. Both adults listened to her as she spoke, her voice quivering with each word, each memory. The comfort of both adults was everything. After talking and calming down for a while, Joe headed up to shower and go to bed. Betty said she wasn't tired and said she would stick downstairs, Olivia was calming her down while sitting in her lap. Taylor had decided to stay with Betty saying she wasn't tired either, but really she was exhausted. She didn't want to leave the girl alone, she knew the girl
didn't want to be left alone. So, the blonde sat down closely next to her and put Friends on the TV knowing that would make them both happy.

"C'mere hon." Taylor said offering Betty to lay on her lap. She took the makeup wipe she grabbed earlier and began wipe the messed up makeup off of Betty's face. Weirdly, the house was spotlessly clean. That was probably courtesy of Taylor and her OCD. Betty yawned as Taylor put the wipe down and began to gently massage her scalp and detangle her hair, careful not to brush out her curls too much. Andrea used to do this to Taylor after she had a bad day or a bad experience with someone or something to help calm her down. Taylor hoped that in LA they would be able to meet up with her parents so they could meet her perfect daughter. Taylor observed the girls eyelids half closed, her body going limp, and her breathing becoming more deep, slowed, and even.

"Bet, hon if you're tired please sleep. I don't mind."

"I don't want to be alone mom." She said. The word rang though her head. Mom.

"Okay hun. Oh did you want the picture I took of you earlier?" She asked.

"Yeah, please. If you don't mind." Betty answered grabbing her phone waiting for the airdrop.

Taylor (mom) 💕 wants to share a photo.
1 attachment

Taylor peered down at the phone. She even had mom in her contact. She wanted to cry happy tears or even run and tell Joe but instead she refrained and texted her mom after being sure the picture was sent.

she called me mom!
and my contact in her phone is mom too

Taylor that's great! Is she alright? Everything's okay now?

I'll call and tell you tomorrow
It's past 1 here and we are both super tired right now
She's not doing great but she is better than she was and how she was with Joe
He said she was a mess and he was "traumatized" he didn't know what to do because she was so anxious and upset
But he brought her home and we calmed her down.

TaylorI'll call and tell you tomorrowIt's past 1 here and we are both super tired right nowShe's not doing great but she is better than she was and how she was with JoeHe said she was a mess and he was "traumatized" he didn't know what to do becau...

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she's just chillin on her phone and we're watching friends😆

I'm glad everything worked out Tay. Tell her goodnight for me.
Goodnight to you also honey. I love you.

I love you too mom

Taylor closed out the app and noticed a notification that she was tagged in. a post.

"Babe did you post the picture?" She asked the girl who was half asleep.

"Yeah I loved it. How did you know I posted it?"

"Notifications." Taylor replied looking at the post.

@bettyalraddy •••

@bettyalraddy                                 •••

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🟡🟢⚪️liked by taylorswift, joe.alwyn, and 134,282 others
❤️💬✈️ ⭐️
bettyalraddy got to say goodbye to my favorite people today. i'll miss you guys so much😭

left to right: @lukejohnson @audreysmith @me! @inezjallan

picture credit goes to the best mom ever @taylorswift

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There it is again. Mom. This time the words are shining through the screen instead of her voice ringing in Taylor's head. The blonde woman looked down in her lap at the girl. She was now sleeping while Olivia slept in her arms. That cat had a soft spot for her, everyone did. Taylor turned off the TV and let herself relax, she held the girl in her arms. The room was not pitch black. The time read 2:30 am.

"Goodnight Betty. I love you so much." She said kissing her head and closing her eyes singing Never Grow Up to herself in a whisper. It felt right and now she understood the song more than ever. She went to sleep feeling like more of a mother than ever before, she hoped Joe felt that rush of being a dad too.

Dear reader, he did.

just a cute wholesome filler chapter for you all! the taylor references are out of hand now. just wait till the cat and taylor puns come in too😋😋😋

goodnight and have the sweetest dreams. i appreciate and love every single one of you😆❤️

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