The Incident

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Third POV:

It had been about 30 minutes and a good amount of the debris had been cleared. Everyone collectively decided it was best to take a brake, people happily tossing away random junk in their hands and grouping together again. "Silver come on down, we're gonna take a brake!" Amy called out, Silvers ear flicking in her direction before tilting his head downwards.

"It's okay, I'm not tired!" Silver chirped, a teal glow surrounding more rubble, lifting it up in the air. "Are you sure? It's okay if you wanna rest a bit!" Amy shouted to Silver, Silver replying with a warm smile and a nod before focusing back onto his work. Espio grouped back with Vector and Charmy, Charmy immediately zipping towards Espio and buzzing around his head once he saw him. "I swear this kid is gonna be the end of me." Vector scoffed, a small grin forming on his face as he yawned.

"Espio did you see me?! I carried this big robot all by myself!" Charmy raved, his arms stretching out to demonstrate the size of the robotic figure. "Are you sure you should be manhandling the robots? There's always a possibility that one of them is still operational." Espio questioned, his question being directed more towards Vector rather than Charmy. "I'm sure these hunks of junk are all broken up by now." Vector reassured, kicking the leg of a robot that stood close to his foot aside. Espio simply crossed his arms, not caring too much on the topic to push his concerns further. His eyes ended up wandering to the levitating hedgehog that floated above everyone, being the only person who was still working on clearing up the area drew a little more attention to him than usual. Silver still managed to chat with a few people, the volume of his voice having to be heightened in order for the people below him to hear. The teal glow and swirls that surrounded the debris he lifted illuminated the area, mildly entertaining those who caught a glimpse of it.

Espios tail flicked when hearing a metallic scrape emit from a small mound of debris a few yards away. His eyes darted around the area, his breathing hitching ever so slightly. Everyone else was too busy talking to one another to notice the unnatural sound. "Did you hear that?" Espio fretted, his head still facing the exact direction he had heard the noise. Vector hummed curiously, his eyebrows quirked as he looked from the direction Espio was staring to Espio himself.

"You worry to much Es, I already told ya, nothing around here is still working." Vector chuckled, patting Espio on the back lightly before turning back to his conversation. Another metallic scrape emitted from the area, a light red glow now starting to form as more debris shifted and moved. A badnick lifted its arm up, small sparks flying off the beaten up machine. A few inaudible beeps followed as the robot slowly lifted its arm all the way up, only now Espio realized what it was aiming at.


Espio shouted, everyone's eyes snapping to the frantic chameleon as he bolted to the robot in order to stop its fire. Silvers head was in the midst of turning around, but it was too late. A singular bullet pierced through Silvers skin, impaling him straight through his abdomen. The teal glow around Silver and a few chunks of broken concrete faded, his body plummeting to the ground seconds later. Sonic quickly bolted to the robot, slamming its head in with his foot. Espio ran to Silver, catching him moments before he hit the ground. Both his and Silvers body's tumbled forward, Espios knees getting scrapped against the ground as he used them to stop both their bodies from moving. Silver coughed roughly, blood splattering out his mouth. A bit of blood dripped down Silvers chin, his once light gray fur stained with a deep crimson red. He whimpered in agony, tears rapidly flowing down his face. Espio held his hand to the bullet wound, his glove also getting stained with Silvers blood as it poured out of him. The blood dripped down Espios legs, his pupils constricting from the horror scene running down his thighs.


Vector called out, both him and Charmy running towards Espio. A dark shadow began appearing over both his and Silvers body, the shadow darkening by the second. Looking up, Espio saw one of the concrete chunks Silver carried falling down on both Silver and himself. With little to no time to react, Espio held Silvers body beneath him, tucking his head under his chin as he braced for impact.

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