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Third POV

Slowly Vector, Espio and Charmy, who was now sleeping in Vectors arms, made their way down the long hallway to the other recovery rooms. Around the door Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles all stood, their head's immediately snapping upwards when seeing Espio. "Espio what are you doing up?! You need to be resting like Silver!" Amy exclaimed, standing up from a wooden chair. Espio only hummed at Amy's concerns, not having enough energy to properly respond. "He insisted on seeing Silver." Vector chimed in, carefully holding Charmy as to not wake the sleeping bee. "What are you doing here Knuckles?" Vector asked quickly grabbing Knuckles' attention. "Sonic told me what happened so I decided to stop by and give my condolences. How you holding up though?" Knuckles responded, his question being directed towards Espio who was, once again, pressing his palm against his forehead. "My head is pounding but I suppose compared to Silver I am stable." Espio grumbled, slowly closing his eyes and leaning against the wall for support.

The door everyone stood around slowly opened, everyone's eyes trailing to the nurse that was exiting the room. "He's awake now, you can come in just please be quiet." The doctor mumbled, getting trampled by everyone scurrying into the room. A soft beeping noise sounded from the heart beat monitor beside him, causing a few people to flinch from the unexpected noise. "Hey Silv.. how ya feeling?" Sonic cooed, slowly stepping beside Silver who's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Is Espio awake yet?" Silver muttered, his voice almost being completely inaudible. With a soft smile Sonic gently pulled Espio beside him, Espios eyes glued to the mass amounts of slightly red stained bandages that wrapped around Silvers torso. "Hello Silver.." Espio muttered, his hand softly grabbing onto the side of the hospital bed.

Within a blink of an eye Silver lunged himself off the bed, wrapping his arms around Espio neck. Silver whimpered, sealing his eyes shut from the stinging pain coming from his upper abdomen. "Silver you cannot be moving like this right after a surgery!" Espio warned, placing his hands on Silvers sides to keep him stable. "The surgery was completed three days ago Sir, he should be able to move slightly without any severe issues." The nurse chimed in, grabbing a clipboard off a table and scribbling some stuff down. "Wait.. what do you mean three days?" Espio faltered. "I've been unconscious for three days?!" Espio snapped, Silvers arms tighten around his neck as his breathing hitched. "That is the result in severe head injuries, yes."

The nurse hummed, her eyes fixed on the clipboard as she spoke. Silvers arms slowly slipped away from Espio, slightly whimpering and wincing as he sat himself up on the bed. "Well now that you're awake what's the game plan, someone needs to watch these two so they don't get into more trouble." Sonic chirped, everyone's gazes falling to the floor and averting their eyes besides Vector who quickly glared at everyone before speaking up. "I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Vector quipped, a small chuckle coming from Espio following his words. "I'm able to care for myself, my concerns lie with Silver." Espio hummed, looking down at Silver who uncomfortably shifted in his seat. "What do you say Silver! ya mind chilling with the Chaotix for a bit?" Sonic beamed, gently resting a hand on Silvers back in hopes to soothe his pain.

"That sounds okay.. I just want to be out of here." Silver mumbled, staring down at Espios hand that was resting on the side of the bed. "Well then, let's get you outta here. Doc, we good to go?" Sonic chirped, his head turning to the in the corner silently scribbling down random things on her clipboard. "If you believe you're stable enough then you are good to go." The nurse hummed, placing the clipboard down. Slowly, Silver shimmied to the side of the bed, letting his legs dangle off before completely sliding off. "He needs to stay off his stomach, no laying on it or nothing. Also try to only eating soft foods." The nurse advised, opening the door for everyone to exit. Slowly everyone made it out the hospital doors, everyone doing their best to ignore the pitiful whimpers and whines from Silver.

"Well take them from here, it was nice seeing you all!" Vector beamed, waving off everyone and leading Silver and Espio to his car. Carefully Vector placed down Charmy, who was miraculously still asleep, in the passenger seat. "Ya mind sitting in the back with Silver Es?" Vector asked, looking back at Espio who already made his way beside Silver in the back. With a content huff Vector sat down in the driver's seat, turning the car key and starting up the vehicle.

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