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Third POV:

Espio looked down at Silver who kept his eyes on the door knob. He saw the small hint of resentment towards him on Silvers face, his eyes immediately welling up with tears when recalling his previous actions. Just as Silver glanced up Espio quickly pulled Silver into a tight hug, his arms firm yet gently wrapping around Silvers torso and pulling him close. Silver felt Espios body shaking against his, still staying quiet in anticipation for Espios response. "Silver,I'm so sorry.." Espios sobbed, biting his tongue before anymore pitiful sounds slipped past his lips. Silver softly grabbed the back of Espios hoodie, his gaze softening as he looked at Espio whose face was tucked in his neck. "Mhm.." Silver hummed, feeling Espios body tense even harder than before. "Silver please-" Espio held Silvers face, his eyes teary and puffy from crying. "-I didn't mean to say that you were a problem, you're far from that. I know more words can undo what I've said but please believe me when I say that you have been more than a delight to be around. You've been keeping me sane throughout all of this and I appreciate you more than you could imagine so please just-"

Espio sealed his mouth shut before more of his undisclosed thoughts spilled out. He hugged Silver again, also using this as an excuse to avoid eye contact. "I'm sorry.. Silver, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you just say it and I'll do it." Silver pondered for a bit, messing with the fabric of Espios hoodie between his fingers. "There is something that could make it up to me." Silver mumbled, a small smirk forming on his face. "What may that be?" Espio muttered back, pulling his face away to look at Silver. "That name you called me last time we were in here, I've been curious about it. So, what does it mean?" Silver smiled, his voice cracking a bit from exhaustion. Espio, being too mentally drained and tried to evade such a question sighed, blushing a bit before resting his chin on top of Silvers head.

"Angel.." Espio mumbled, slowly closing his eyes. "Tenshi means angel." Silver looked down, running his hands along the wrinkles and creases of Espios hoodie. "That's sweet.." Silver murmured. He bit his tongue, an odd fluttery feeling forming in his stomach. The feeling elicited a shiver down his spine, Espio noticing this and backing away. "Apologies- did I make you uncomfortable?" Espio muttered, his hands beginning to faintly tremble. "No no! I'm just.. tired is all. I think it's best if we both head to bed." Silver softly laughed. "I'll see you in the morning." Silver hummed, yawing a bit before turning back towards the door.

"Wait!" Just as Silver began walking down the hallway he was stopped by Espio gently holding onto the tips of his hand. "Could you stay.. with me tonight..?" He yanked his hood up, his weak attempt at trying to hide his embarrassment behind his hood only coming off as mildly humorous and pitiful. Both Silver and Espios faces began heating up a bit, Silver taking a small step back towards Espio. "Okay.." he mumbled, a small smile on his face as he clasped his hand around Espios. They walked back to Espios room, Espio silently shutting the door and walking to his bed. Awkward silence filled the air, both Espio and Silvers faces hot from embarrassment. The difference in temperature made the hoodie on Espios body uncomfortable. "One moment.." Espio mumbled, yanking his hoodie over his head and off his body. He rolled his shoulders back, folding the hoodie and resting it down on the dresser. When he turned around he saw Silver trying to rest himself down on the bed. "Ugh, I hate sleeping on my back." Silver whinnied, huffing a bit before resting down on his back. "Well, I suppose it has been enough weeks for you to safely lay on your side." Espio yawned, crawling onto the bed behind Silver. Silver slowly shifted himself onto his side on the bed, his arms lying on top of one another in front of himself. Espio also laid on his side, one of his arms underneath his head and pillow.

"What were you doing in the bathroom though?" Silver piped up, his eyes flicking from the mattress to Espio. Espio took a deep breath. "Something happened when I was trying to rest.. I assume it was overstimulation that caused me to vomit." Espio mumbled, watching Silvers ears fall back onto his head. Swiftly, Silver pulled Espio closer, softly nuzzling the side of his face against Espios. "What... are you doing??" Espio inquired, his face flushing from the action. "Soothing you, it works wonders on Chao." Silver chirped, continuing to nuzzle against Espio. Despite his embarrassment, Espio slowly melted into the touch. For once in four days his eyes began to flutter shut, his mind slowly becoming silent as his body fell limp.

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