ch1: meeting

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, *thinking* <noise>

An: y/n is 5 and muzan is 15
Y/n's pov,:

<cough, cough> "m-mommy where are we going? Can you please let go of my arm it hurts."
"Shut up! You are going to live with your brother." Mom said.

I got really happy " I have a <cough! cough!>  oni-chan!... wait why am I going to live with him? Why does he not live with us?" Mother looked at me like I had asked a obvious question while walking.

" I knew I should have put you in here when you first got sick! But no! Your father wanted to sell you off! You are such a disgrace like muzan!" Mother ignored my question. * this is normal to be called a disgrace by my mother. The maids ignored me a lot and talked bad about me behind my back. Father is no different.*

We finally stop at a engawa part of a big house. "Do not leave this place at all! Stay here with muzan. Y/n... know that I never loved you." And she left just like that.

* what she said really hurt. I wonder if oni-chan is the same.* <cough! cough!> I sat down on the engawa and waited till someone noticed me.

Muzan's pov:
I was watching the trees sway in the wind as I was reading till I heard that wretched woman's mouth.

I look down from the window to see she was dragging a child with her.
She had h/l h/c, and was a little pale. Then I heard that women  say the child was my sister and she was sick like me.
How interesting. They never told me I had a sister.
They never tell me anything what was I expecting.
The woman left the girl and walked away...
"Hiko" I called for the maid.
"Yes young master?" She popped out of nowhere... she needs a bell on her.
" bring me that girl on the front engawa she apparently is my little sister." I looked at the maid. "Yes young master." She closed the door behind her as she left. <cough! cough! cough!> I looked in my hand to see... blood. Nothing new.
Nobody's pov:

You sat on the engawa softly crying. "Young miss" you jump a little.
* jeez she scared me. I did not hear her at all.* you thought.

" the young master, your older brother has sent me to bring you to him."
"O-ok" <sniffle> you follow the weirdly quite made through the house. It was a big house for a sick person, you thought.
She went up stairs then stopped in front of a door.

<knock, knock>

" young master I have brought her here"

" let her in and <cough!>  g-go away." A muffled voice said.

The maid slid open the door and motioned for you to go in. You walked in and she slid it shut behind you.

You look up to see a boy. He had long black wavy hair, red eyes and he looked pale just a little.
  " you. What's your name?" He said pointing at you. " m- <cough! cough!>  my name Is y/n." You said quietly.

"I am muzan your older brother"

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