Chapter10: Safe

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thinking, mind link, "talking", <noise>

then he saw you. you were sitting in the field you both last visited together, calling out for him. Onichan! it was like the mind link had rebuilt its self. With a blink of an eye he had took of running through the woods and towns. It took him 1 hour to get to you.

(at sunset)

It burned. it all burned. my skin is constantly flaking off. i cant hear Onichan anymore. why. why am i still alive and not burning. 

then you tried to move your fingers. it stung but you could. slowly, you moved till you were sitting strait up. like you were shedding skin all the skin that was burning turned to ash and feel of your body. my skin is smoother  you thought while running your hand up your arm. your nails were now a f/c. 

when you looked at your chest you noticed you were really naked. like, bitties out and all. i grew.  

now standing up with a wobble you walked around the worn down old house in search for cloths not noticing at the moment you were in the sun when you saw a alter of things. they looked like people were putting up offerings.

( People had found you and thought you were a goddess sleeping. | Two boys found you looking for there sisters Temari ball.| they told there elders they tried to wake you but you stayed like that. 

when they tried to remove you from the home vines had rapped around there arms dragging them out the house. so they thought you were a goddess of earth. so they left offerings. cloths, fruits, money, and jewelry, so that hey would have good crops that year.)

You grab a kimono that was left behind and put it on. you even found a pair of sandals but chose not to wear them. when you did notice you were standing in the sun you slightly freaked out.  so you stood in the light of the setting sun for a while. then walked out the house. 

"Onichan!!! where are you?!" you yelled out in search for a while. then you had the idea of going to the last place you saw him. 

now that you were taller every thing looked different. the ferns that used to block your path of sight is smaller. the flowers are also smaller. you are 5/9.

you sat in the field for hours when the mind link officially rebuilt its self. Onichan! 


You look over and saw muzan. he looked like a deer stuck in headlights. "Onichan!!" you begin to cry. 

when he had not come the first 2 hours you had thought he had abandoned you. snapping out of his trance he ran and hugged you. you both fell to your knees. and for the first time in a long time he had cried.

"I thought you were gone!!" he sobbed out. you both sat there clinging to the other like a life line and crying for a while. 

"I thought you had abandoned me when you weren't here." you sobbed out while drying your tears off your face with your sleeve.

 he pulled back and held your face. "i would never leave you imouto. you were asleep for so long that it worried me. im lucky enough to be sitting here with you. thank kami-Sama you did not die" 

" Well at least i was not asleep that long. also, what happened to the house?". 

2 pain staking long hours later.

"im sorry Onichan. really i am, i feel bad i left you alone." you both were now just sitting there no longer hugging but he had a firm grip on your hand afraid you would fall back asleep if he did. 

"Master muzan." a velvety voice had called from the edge of the tree line. too bad she had disturbed  you cause in a quick second you had the demon upside down wrapped up in thorn vines that dug into her skin. 

when muzan looked over his shoulder at the demon she could tell he was mightily pissed.  

"what do you need Tamayo." he pulled you up with him when he stood up. that's when he noticed your Hight. "Stop growing." he said plainly while patting your head. 

"L-lord muzan. . . a group of demons are rampaging on a village north of hear." 

he sighed and turned back to you giving you a soft smile. "please drop her y/n. i think its time you see what i have achieved during your hibernation." with that you dropped Tamayo, all while scowling at her. 

to you she gave off a bad vibe and not a life threating vibe but a vibe of discuss and betrayal. when she was finally on the floor she had prostrated her self to the ground. 

"Onichan. who is she." you asked leaning over his shoulder to look at her. then it finally dawned on him that you really grew up when you spoke.

he sighed and held your hand tighter. "this is Tamayo. she is like my assistant. now lets go" he then picked you up and started walking north." 

Tamayo had followed but looked up from the ground when she felt a glare aimed at her. it was yours and instead of the regular heterochromia eyes they were both red. this scared her so she looked back down.

Just before Tamayo could even think about you she had stopped. she knew that he could hear her thoughts so she just kept quiet and her eyes down while following behind you both.


Why so mad at Tamayo? is it jealousy or raw instinct. what path shall you take~


the ending was a little rushed sorry. i had other things to do so i had to hurry up and Finnish this chap. the next i still got to edit. but i officially got another story out, this is a one piece fanfic but the OC is over powered. just a little. 

but  i also just want to thank every one for getting this up to 9281 reads and 209 votes! its the little things in life that makes a person happy. i got 2 more story's coming out soon. so updates will be slow for a bit.

Anyways! stay safe and live life XOXO 99_livesss

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