Chapter 9: why?!

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thinking, <noise>, mind link, ;time skip; "Talking"

Muzan's P.o.v:

it's Been a month since i have seen y/n. she must miss me. I hope she is not still asleep.

when i got there it was oddly quiet. no screaming or running to me as i opened the door. "Y/n! im home. . . . . Y/n?! . . . . . Yuki!" I called for the demon maid. She appeared right away. "Yes Master."

"where is y/n?" "She has not woken up since you had last visited master." i left her there and walked to y/n's room. <door slides open.> as i walk in she is peacefully asleep. i sit next to her. "y/n. . . . . . . . . . . . Y/n." i shake her trying to wake her. "y/n!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <sigh> Maybe she will be awake when i come back next week

when i am back at the front door Yuki is still there. "if she wakes call for me." i say as i open the door. "yes master."

3rd P.O.V :

It was another month when he came back. and you were still asleep. he was slightly getting irritated that you were still asleep.

when five more months passed and you were still asleep he finally lost it. he had destroyed a whole village. you were not waking up. he had started experimenting on your blood trying to figure out what is wrong. he stopped getting wives during this time and stayed near you. he continued his work for one year till he saw that your blood was changing.

he was relieved to know it was your body strengthening its self and not detreating. he was just worried how long would it take for your body to strengthen its self.

He Visited every three month's for 50 yrs strait. then he stopped. it hurt him looking at you and you still be asleep. while he did try to wake you nothing worked so he stopped

when 500 yrs passed the house had slowly started to decompose. and wisteria had grew near the house. since your body was strengthening its self it was nearly done till the wisteria grew so it had to grow accustom to it.

He had almost forgot about his little sister. what reminded him of her was the kanzashi he got for her. he carried it around with him always. he continued to look for a cure. it made him more mean over the years.

coming up with nothing, And his little sister in a deep sleep, it just made his temper short and his hate for the human race grow. but the worse of all his power grew. which fed his ego. with power came malevolence.

It was not till 285 years later that the roof above her collapsed during the day. the sun had beamed down on you. it was 5 minuets before a blood curdling scream cut through the air. it was heard down the mountain in the village scaring the children and people. then they heard a women's voice. "ONICHAN!!!!!!!!!!"

Not only did they hear it but so did muzan who was 4 towns over. he was posing as a lord. It rang through the mind link with so much pain. "ONICHAN!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!" he was sitting down doing work in his office when he heard it it alarmed him. that's when he saw it you were in the sun burning.

then he could not hear nor see you. "Y/N!!!!!! Y/N!!?!?!?!?" It was quiet... really quiet till he started trashing the room and screaming. "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!! WHYYY!?!?!?!" it scared the maids in the house. then it went quiet till a sad scream ran through the whole estate.

that day he did not leave till night. leaving the estate. He was walking slowly towards the house he had left you at. blaming him self. if only i had checked in on the house. if only i had brung her with me. if i had tried harder to wake her she would be here. if only-. then. . . . .

cliff hanger!!! im sorta back!!!! this is just a sample. i have had more time to look over this and have great ideas. i also have more stories on the side lines. JJK, Naruto, and one piece. yay! this is only the beginning.

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