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for me to actually move on in this story i need to know if i should have a love interests for the reader. if so i got a few. and no we doing nun of that weird under age shi*. so nun of x tanjiro or his lil squad.

its weird af. but if you into that i aint trashing because i have not touched thos waters yet. and plan not to scare my self.

but any ways if soooooooo i got a few here. im not so Shure about the hashira Bec the reader is his sister but if you all want it then i will work my authors magic. but for warning this may get weird in logic wise so you have been warned!!

\so for starters/

you got

kokoshibo x reader

doma x reader 

akaza x reader

daki x reader

gyutaro x reader

one of the upper four brothers. you pick.

nakime x reader

then your hashira if you want. but you know there back story sooooooo ????? what ever ill make it work.

first and formost

uzui + wives x reader.... or just bro's wives.

sanemi x reader

shinobu x reader

rengoku x reader

obani x reader

mitsuri x reader

giyuu x reader. forgot how to spell his name sorry.

and thats it.... now you pick. final votes are at December 12th. so get them in!

xoxo 99_livesss

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