ch7: new beginning

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[mind reading] *thinking*; flashback.;. f/c=fav color


3rd Pov.

you were sitting in the field that you and muzan went to a few years back. why you may ask. well....

;flash back;

"Oni-chan. why are you getting ready?" you ask as you sit on his bed playing with the stuffy, he gave you. "Ah. I almost forgot to tell you." he kneeled in front of you and held your hands. "Me and you are going to leave this place." "But we can't stand in the sun. how will we stay safe?" you tilt your head to the side in a questioning manner. " i know. so, while we are traveling i can ask people about the flower i need. plus, we can stay indoors during the day. what do you say?" you smile widely and nod your head quickly. " Can i bring the stuffy?"

you hold up the stuffy to him. "Sure. before we leave though. i need you to go wait in the flower field for me. the one we went to a few years ago. Oni-chan needs to handle some things, ok?" you stand up and head to the engawa and slide on your geta sandals. "Ok oni-chan! please try not to make such a big mess!" he slightly smiled before watching you run and laugh heading to the flower field.

;end of flash back;

the villagers and maids were screaming as he offed them one by one. they were so loud that you could hear them [Oni-chan. are you almost done?] you ask. [almost.] he replied back. during your time waiting you made over 34 flower crowns. there was a small circle around you of missing flowers.

you quickly spin your head to the noise of the twig snaping. a big smile grew on your face. "Oni-Chan! are you done now?!" you ran and hugged his waist. he ruffled your hair. " Yes, now let's go" you grab your stuffy and walk back over to him. he picks you up and begins to run.

\10 years later. /

\ Recap on your blood demon art. yours is a little different from muzans. well, more like the complete opposites from his. his is like death, destruction, and the undead. while yours is like life, healing, and protection. you found this out when you found a dying kid, 4 years after leaving your home village with muzan. now. you watched your brother turn humans into demons so you naturally thought you could to, but when you tried to turn the kid instead of turning him you completely healed him. this confused you so you told muzan. he thought that seance your blood was so strong Mabey he can replicate the flower. when he tried it failed. so back to the present. /ps. you can also change your appearance.


muzans Pov: _

It was late at night when i came to check on y/n. i had been gone for a while hiding with in a family. *Those filthy humans piss me off to no end. * i slide open the house door. the house is located on top of a mountain hidden from humans. it comes in handy seance y/n likes to not be bothered a lot.

"I'm home" i say as i take of my sandals. i hear running through the house. then something jumps on me knocking me to the ground. "Oni-Chan! your back! you have been gone for sooo long!" i chuckle slightly and hug her back. \i know he seems slightly ooc. but it's for the story. / "sorry y/n. i had things to do." i stand up while still holding her and walk to the living room.

when i enter the living room i see blood and feathers everywhere. that is another thing now. she won't eat humans but will eat animals. " y/n. did you do this?" i ask her. she hides into my shoulder slightly. "I'm sorry." she mumbles out. i called for a demon nearby and told them to clean this mess up. now we are in her room playing shoji. " What do you want for your birthday y/n?" i ask her as i steal a pon from her. "i want kimonos and hair pins!" she yells. "that's all? do you want to go to the festival in the village?" she quickly shakes her head no. "you know what happened last time Oni-chan."

;flash back. 3rd pov.;

\The 3rd day after leaving your home village/

you both walk to a village that had a festival going on at the moment. it was lively and a good hunting spot for muzan. you both stop in an alleyway, and he bends down to look you in the eyes. "I got business to attend to at the moment here y/n. so here is some money. go have fun in the festival." he hands you a small wad of cash. you began to walk off holding the cash and your stuffy until he calls for you again.

"y/n. if anyone asks who you are here with. say your Otosan is handling business. now run along." he gives you a sly smile. a smile that only means trouble. you smile and run off. he then went to find someone to eat, while you walked around the festival.

an hour later you had found a kitsune mask that you liked and bought along with a hair ornament and a fan.\the ones up top. or whatever is your taste./ 

while walking around after the old lady had put the hair ornament in your hair, 3 boys had approached you. "hey freak!" boy1 yelled. you kept walking ignoring them. " hey! did you hear him talking to you?!" boy 2 then pushed you on the ground. you fell on your bottom. when you looked up at them they all gasped. "ewww. do you see her eyes kioske!" boy3 said to boy1 which name was kioske. you cover your f/c eye. "she... kinda looks... dead." kioske said looking at you like you are trash.

"look at her nails kai. they look like a cats." boy three said to boy 2 who's name is kai. "look hasu she has a stuffed rabbit like a baby!" kioske said to boy 3. kai then snatches the stuffy from you. you get up to snatch it back from him but fail, because he throws it to kioske then he throws it to hasu.

this goes on for a few minutes till hasu pushes you to the ground. kai then kicks you in the side. they all laugh as they watch you cry. "look kioske! she is crying like a baby!" kai says. kioske then tares the stuffys head off.

you see red and jump up and scratch him across his left eye with your sharp nails. he drops it to hold his eye. you snatch the stuffy from the ground and run following your brothers scent. "chase her down and beat her up!" kioske yells while crying and holding his left eye.

you run faster than them but they still see where you are going. "Oni-chan!!!!!" you yell running into a ally where his scent is strongest, but also blood. he hears you and kicks the body behind some crates, wipes his face and then stand to see you running while crying. *the hell?!* he thought. you run and hug his waist while crying. "hey, hey, hey! what's wrong? what happend?" he asked kneeling down to wipe your tears.

"th- they c-called me a freak! then told me i look dead then rips the stuffy you gave m-me! they even kicked me!!!" you cry out while showing him the stuffy. his blood boils. he takes the stuffy and puts it in his kimonos pocket. the 3 boys then run in the ally. "hey! you freak!" muzan then sits you to the side. "cover your ears and close your eyes for oni-chan ok?" he gives you a soft smile . you do what he asks. he then stands up and kills them all. he then picks you up and leaves.

;end of flash back. back to muzans pov.;

"well i will be with you this time. i wont leave your side not one time ok?" she hesitated at firs but then gave me her Dum smile. "ok oni-chan! as long as you stay! oh! can i style your hair this time oni-chan! your hair is so pretty!" she then wins the game. "sure imoto."

we then put up the game and i lay her down for bed. "good night oni-chan." she whispers to me. "good night imoto." i then blow out the candle and leave.


a/n: sooooooo. this is a long part for my tardiness. and i just put this out sence i was editing my videos. so thanks for all the support! please vote and comet if you want! and eat and drink water!!! xoxo, 99_livesss

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