ch:6, news and small time skip

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A/n: I let my ?niece?-"I think this is what you call your brother's daughter in English"- decide on this part I was on a little block. She is 15 and writes fan fic too but in Portuguese, her name is orquídea which means orchid. She does not have permission to have Wattpad or AO3 or anything on the internet. But If you think I should post one of her stories and translate it I will.

Muzans pov:
We were heading to the carriage when y/n started to coughing up blood. I walked to her side and held her shoulders "hey! Y/n!" Her eyes then rolled to the back of her head 

"hey! Open your eyes!!!! Y/n!"  *Why does this have to happen now!* I was worried sick now. "Hiko!grab y/n and let's <cough! cough! cough!> G-go" she picked y/n up an took her to the carriage and we left.

Nobody's pov:
  It had been two days since you have been sick,
and asleep . Muzans was worried but kept a straight face. The doctor had come by again the day you passed out.

They said that you being out around a lot of people had caused your sickness to flare up, and since you were so young it affected you more than Muzan who caught a fever the next day.

Muzan checked in on you in the morning, evening, and right before he went to bed. So when you woke up on the third day he hugged you tight.

"Oni-chan. I'm fine seriously. My chest just hurts a little" You rasped? -I think is called this- out. "Y/n you are not fine, look at you. You are even more pale than me, you are skin and bones and you get bruised by the slightest hit. Promise me you will take care of yourself while I study for us!" he sounded desperate and worried.

You felt something wet on your shoulder. He was crying... The great Muzan kibutsuji was crying over you..... And this will probably be the last time he does so.

"I promise oni-chan" you say hugging back.
During those days and months you had learned to read and write while Muzan learned about medical needs and other things while also Keeping in contact with other doctors and making time for you.

You learned to write, so you kept a diary or as you liked to call it  /year journal/.

My first week with oni-chan was amazing! He even made me a stuffy.
He promised to help me get better while also getting his self better.
/More praise to Muzan and talking about your days during this year/


Oni-chan let me start sleeping in the room next to his! I sometimes study with him.... To me he is the best big brother ever. I'm very lucky to have him. He constantly tells me that my h/l,h/c curly hair is very pretty. I also got a little more sick.
/ In the beginning there is more praise to Muzan but to the middle of the year you start writing about how you got even more sick. In he end there was a gap where a month was missing/

I got even more sick. It has gotten bad. It hurts to move too much and I can barely sleep at night. Oni-chan has been letting me sleep in his room so he can keep an eye on me while he studies. He gets more angry easily nowadays. More doctors come and try to help but every time it fails. They say I need an even stronger dose than oni-chan because of my condition. He sometimes gets frustrated and apologizes to me saying he is sorry for not helping. I don't blame him. I love him dearly he is the best oni-chan ever.
/ You talked about your sickness and how it's getting more horrible as the days go by and how stressed Muzan has gotten. Then your writing stops after two months./

Muzans pov:
*It has been 4 months since y/n's birthday. Her sickness is getting worse. She barely eats she can't sleep properly because of the pain and sometimes she will pass out.*

As I was reading on the engawa I noticed a stack of notebooks by the book shelf. So I walk and pick them up and sit by the desk. It says    "y/n's  year journals. There are only six books though?" As I open them and read them. 

*It's like I can hear her voice telling me this. She is so pure. All she has to say is how much she loves and cares about me... And how she is proud of me...* He starts to tear up by the time he gets to the 2nd year.... By the time he finishes the 3rd year journal (each year has two books btw) he is more determined to help you.


Age: 8/18 Muzans entry on y/n's year journals
Y/n has gotten a tad bit better because of a doctor that has been working with us he is working on a cure. I have been studying and helping him with a lot. She still sleeps in my room so if she ever needs help I will be right by her side. She sleeps better at night. I will some times read to her while we rest on the engawa.
/ In the beginning he was writing about what was going on during the days so for when she gets better she knew what was going on. By the end of that year he heard about the blue spider lilly/
Age: 9/19
Y/n got even more sick. She barely sleeps at night because of the pain. I had less time to spend with her and had to move her back to the room next to mine. I was hell bent on helping with this cure. \When you read this y/n.... Know that your oni-chan is trying his hardest for you./ The doctor says he has something that will definitely cure us but she needs a higher dose than me so it will take some time.
/That is the only entrance he mad that year on the year journal/
Age: 10/20
The doctor officially gave us the medicine but after a week nothing happened..... So I killed him. If I die this year then I had failed y/n.
\ two months later/  the medicine officially took affect but I had a craving for human flesh and would throw up any real food. But for y/n she always told me she was not hungry but sleepy. It was odd because I could never sleep. I also could never go in the sun with out it burning my skin but she could sit there for five minutes before burning herself. At first I was jealous but when she cried to me asking why she brunt in the sun I no longer felt jealous but upset for her.
/More entry from him and you./
A/n: that was a lot to write. But it's for the plot!!!!!!

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