so much has changed

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when we got to the village there was co many dead. children and women were screaming. humans where scattered everywhere.

He had sat you down and walked forward two steps before a pale demon was Infront of him bowing. "What did i say about causing a mess id have to clean up." he said in a pissed tone.

Onichan is mad. you thought.

"Im Sorry master muzan! Th-That family just really made me mad and after i ha-"

"Who said you could talk?" The demon started to sweat. he then looked back at you with wide eyes. "Don't look at her. she cant and wont save you."

The demon looked back at the ground quickly. " <sigh> Tamayo. Send a few to clean this up." The demon tried to beg for its life once more but he had exploded.

Muzan turned back to you with a smile. "Y/n. Did Onichan do a good job keeping us alive?" You smiled at him. "Very!" He chuckled slowly which sent shivers down Tamayo's spine because she has never heard him laugh.

he then picked you back up princess style. "How about we go to where im staying while Tamayo cleans this up? i kept up your journal logs while you were asleep." he said walking away from the scene.

"Really! you kept up with them! Your the best Onichan!" He smiled with pride.

He liked be told he was the best by his sister. it made him feel like he was doing something in his life.


The next day you both spent time focusing on your BDA. First he wanted samples of your blood so he can examen it.

When he first started to examen the sampels he was frustrated because yours would always eat and destoy his blood cells.

Then he found out that you can grow things. so he wanted you to try and grow blue spider lilies.

Every time they would ether come out white and red. and when he tried pouring you blood over them they would whither away.

He became frustrated and aggerated even more. and then when he found out your ability to walk in the sun and be around wisteria.

But he could never be mad at you long. when you found out he did not achieve the same things as you. You had got upset and promised to help him achieve it too.

Now its been a good 50 years and rumors of a organization that kills your kind has surfaced.


Sorry I've been a bit busy lately but im getting this out its not much but this is short. the next one should be a longer chapter.

Anyways! live life and stay safe. XOXO 99_livesss

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