Meeting kokoshibo

883 19 13

thinking, mind link, "talking", <noise>


your Journal entry.

March 5th. Heian era.

today Hiko had brung me a lot of flowers to make flower crowns. I like doing this.

Oni-chan Is bed ridden today. I heard from some of the maids that he collapsed last night . I pray he get better. I ask whatever god is out there, to help us.

i also had seen a black bunny today. Hiko had caught it and brung it to me. the bunny was a baby.

She said i could keep it but i would have to keep it away from Oni-chan. She said he gets sick more easily than me.


3rd person Pov:

Today you and muzan were supposed to go to a flower festival but a nosey human was interfering with his plans so he had to handle them. He gave you a pouch of Ryo and sent you on with Tamayo watching you.

When you both were nearing the festival Tamayo let her curiosity take over and ask you a question that has ben bugging her for a long time. "y/n-Sama. Can i ask a question."

Now you did not practically like Tamayo. She gave of a untrustworthy aura. But with much reluctance you nodded your head. "Did Master Muzan Turn you?" She asked curiously.

for a brief second She thought she saw your veins bulge in your neck like you were angry but you turned to look at her with a 'smile'.

"No! Oni-chan did not turn me. I had a stronger dose of what he had which turned us. Now we are stronger than anything." You then turn around and continue to walk.

"So you are also a progenitor." She stated what she thought was obvious. "No. Me and Muzan are opposites. I can create and protect. Ans he can destroy and kill & defend." And that's all you said.

It seems Tamayo took notice to that. that was all you were going to say.

Then muzan appeared. "Sorry I took a while I met a casualty on the way back." He then held your hand, but before he began walking, he turned to Tamayo. "Go. You are no longer needed."

Tamayo quickly left. "Who did you meet Oni-Chan?" You asked curiously while walking through the festival and looking at the different booths.

"I met a slayer. He wanted to die. So, I turned him. Do you want to meet him?" It was like he knew exactly what you were thinking. "Yes! I'm Curious on why he wanted to die." Sure, muzan could have told you, but he wanted you to find out on your own.

He thought of you as a curious little bunny. . . . .. but one with razor sharp teeth and immense power.

"Turn into a child. I want to carry you now." Another thing is that he became immensely clingy. You were away from him for so long mad him clingy and more attached to you.

{a total sis-con}

With a heavy sigh you turned into a 3 yr. old. It was your human child self. But your not human. A smile had spread across his face as he picked you up and began walking to his estate.

He likes holding you when you are a child. Since he was not able to growing up, as a human because of his weak body. Even though he knows his sister is over 700 years old he still sees you as a child.

"Can we walk through the garden behind the estate when we get home?" you ask while laying your head on his shoulder. "If it is what you wish."


When You both gotten back to the estate the maids had greeted them both, before muzan got annoyed with there presents and sent them away.

He then walked to the garden in the back while still carrying you. You both walked and talked. It was about small things, And questions of life and the rest of the world.

It was until 15 minuets later that a voice had spoke from behind you both. It spooked you and you went into protection mode.

You had grown in size, and you changed into your demon form holding Muzan close to you in a protective manner. You were taller than muzan now. Your hair grew slightly longer, and your f/c eye changed into plum red.

A loud growl had ripped from your throat before thorn vines had burst through the ground and before the demon could cut them, they wrapped around him tightly and threatened to pull him apart with force.

This had surprised muzan greatly. So when he pulled his head back a little to see who was there he calmed you down. "Imoto. This is the slayer I was talking about." He had patted you on your back slightly.

When you heard who it was you dropped him from his restraints and grew back to your human adult self. Your hair had grown back to its original length and your eye turned back to f/c.

When you were standing back at his side he looked down on the demon. "What is it?" he asked. "I had taken care of them master Muzan." That's a first. It only took a hour. He thought. "Y/n. this is the slayer I was talking about. His name is kokoshibo.

This reminds you of the time when Hiko had gotten you a black bunny and muzan had found it. He named it Kokoshibo. [ its name was originally Nobuyuki.] Because of how deadly the thing was to him.

This made you snicker a little before you pull a serious face. "He is going to watch over you while I'm not around since Tamayo does not pay attention to you."

[ The amount of times you had disappeared from her sight is too many to count on both hands.]

"Stand up." You tell him. Oh my. He is really tall. Your eyes had widened when he fully stood tall.

You then gave him a smile. "I think we are going to get along well."

But what muzan did not see was the blush that had spread across your face, but Kokoshibo did.


Well. We met him. You know I can't find many stories about him. And when id do, they are just out right not been touched in 2 years or reader x multiple characters. I mean I'm not complaining but dang! Where are my writers at?! There is more Gojo X reader than Suguru X reader too!

Like damn where y'all go? We see an updated version of Kakashi, and women go feral. Like there are other people other than Gojo (っ °Д °;)っ

[i got nothing with Gojo i just don't really see him in that light. and ive read the manga too. he just gives off BFF vibes to me you know?]

I mean. Listen my to 3 fav anime men are 1. Shikamaru, 2. Suguru, 3. This place is held bye 2 people. And that's Sukuna and Toji.

But do you know how many times I have searched for fics of 1 & 2?! It's dry. Utterly dry. I mean yeah you find them but there is so many unfinished.

[p.s. i have no grudge with Tamayo. it's just this way because of the story.]

Sorry you had to hear me rant. But does anyone else have these issues?

Anyways ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ) ! Live life and stay safe! XOXO 99_livesss.

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