ch:2 stuffy.

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Nobody's pov:

It had been 3 days since you showed up. Your stuff was sent the 2nd day.

Today you were planning to ask muzan to walk in the garden with you but when you did......

"No" He said while reading a book on the engawa.

" b-but... the maids will not play with me. They are ignoring me!" You said while rolling on the floor.

"Get up that is not lady like" he said turning a page. You sat up on your knees. "That's how it is around here. They don't pay any attention to us unless we are really sick. So go run around in the woods." He looked up at you briefly to see you tearing up. He internally panicked.

*why is she crying! Uhhh! They really had to have another kid!* he thought looking back down at his book.

"I can't" you mumbled. "Speak up" "I can't run around. If I'm out side too much or run too much I cough up blood. <cough! cough!> " you said looking down at your hands.

<sigh> "fine we will go out for 10 minutes and that's it. After that do not bother me till tomorrow afternoon.

You lit up, you wiped your tears off your face. "Really oni-chan!"
"Yes now go get your sandals and let's go. Hiko."

"Yes young master?"
*where the hell does she come from!* he thought. "Go get my sandals and help me walk through the woods." "Are you sure young master? Your body is wea-" "what did I say hiko!" She nodded her head and walked off.

Muzan's pov:

While walking in the woods behind the house we found a small flower filled.

We are now sitting here watching y/n make a flower crown with f/f.

" oni-chan! What color do you like?" She said with a stupid smile on her face. "White and red." She placed the f/f flower crown on her head and began making one with red and white wild flowers.

2 minutes later she placed it on my head. "Oni-chan you look so pretty!!" She said with that stupid smile.

"Whatever" I looked away slightly flustered. Every one thinks I look sickly, At least y/n-nee does not.
Then a bunny hoped out from some flowers and stood in front of us.

"wow!! Its a bunny!" She said looking even more stupid.... it was a little cute.. then the rabbit ran off "awww it ran off... I wish I could run after it." She said looking sad.

< cough! cough! cough> . there was blood in her hands and dripping from her mouth. She looked panicked.

"O,oni-chan. It hurts!" She began to cry. "Hiko. Let's go back. Pick her up."
Nobody's pov:

You got really sick the next day. Muzan sat in his room working on something. "F*ck" he mumbled as he pricked his finger once again.

<knock, knock>

The next day.
You walked to Muzan's room.

"Come in" his voice muffled out. You walked in and closed the door behind you. He was sitting at his desk doing work. You shuffled over and sat down leaning on his side.

...... "here" he handed you a stuffy. It was a bunny.

(The one up top)
" you looked sad when it disappeared... the bunny." You smiled softly

" thank you oni-chan. You are the best." You managed to croak out. Your voice was a little scratchy since yesterday.

A/n: " that definitely went to his head.🤧"

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