ch:5 festival

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Nobody's pov:

"Why would we go to town?" You ask looking up from the book in your hands. "Well the head of the family is making me go see a girl I can marry, but after that we can <cough,cough> go to the festival. I hear they are going to have dango there." "Are you going to leave me when you get married?" You say as you look down at your hands.

"Why would I leave you?" He asked confused. "Well I- <cough,cough, cough> I heard the maid's say that when you get married that you will leave and have kids." 

Muzan bursts out laughing while slightly coughing, you look up confused as to why he is laughing.

 "Oni-chan why are you laughing!" You stand up and shake him slightly. "<Hahahaha> y/n-nii" he pats you on your head "I will never leave you and if I do <cough!cough!> I will have to be on the brink of death" he said as he went back to studying.

You smile brightly and hug him "you can not leave me till I am on death's door step<cough!cough!> That way we can meet in heaven!" He smiled slightly but it died down quickly.

 "Yeah,yeah. Now sit back down we will leave tomorrow night." You sat down. " Wait. Are you not meeting her in the morning?" You asked while glancing at him from looking in the book. 

"I am but I know you get sick easily so I will come back in the mid day and we will leave at night. Sounds good?" He said still focused on his work. "Ok!"

The next day.

* Muzan-nii should be home soon.* You thought while playing with the stuffy he made for you.

..... <Crash!> *Huh?* "hiko." "Yes young lady?" She popped out from the other room. " What is going on right now?" You say standing up and heading for the engawa. " It seems that the young master has come home quite upset." She said following you.

As you get closer to the front of the house you can hear screaming and cursing. " That dumb bi**h! how dare she tell me I look dead! <Shatter!> Then proceeds to call y/n a useless child!!!!!" He was screaming and throwing everything in his sight. 

"Y-young master please calm down it's not good for your health!" Before he could yell at the poor maid he started coughing really bad.

< Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!> He fell to the floor gasping for air as blood flew out his mouth. Seeing this scared you. "Oni-chan!!!!!" You ran over to him missing the glass on he floor. He looked up at you from his coughing fit surprised. "Y/-<cough!> Y/n. D-did you hear all that?"

 The maid brought over a cup of water while the rest cleaned up the mess he maid. 

"Ne,ne. It's ok oni-chan. Hearing that is nothing new. I used to getting called a useless child and many more hurtful words by oka-san." He handed the cup back to the maid once he finished the water.

"Y/n" he pulled you into a hug. " You are no longer with that horrible thing you call your oka-san. You are not useless and you are not anything she called you. You are a beautiful young girl. And I need you to stay and keep me company, so you are not useless.... Though you are annoying and a brat at times..... Your still my Imoto."

 He pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes. You had tears in your eyes. He panicked a little thinking you had stepped on a peic of glass. "Why are you crying!? Did you step on a peic of glass!?" He said checking your feet. <Hic> " n-no... Its just that you really are the best oni-chan!" You tackle him in a hug. 

"Thank you oni-chan for everything" he is trying to pull you off him "Oi! Oi! Off of me. That's enough Physical  contact for now! Go get ready!" You let go and run off, as fast as your sickly body alows, giggling. " Hiko-chan! Hurry up an help me get ready!" You say turning the corner of the hall. "Y/n-sama please slow down! we don't want you to cough up blood before you leave!"

After getting ready:

You walk back in the front room. "Oni-chan I'm ready!"you had a big smile on your face. " You look pretty" he said walking out the door. " I know right! Hiko picked it out for me!"

You wore this.

You both took a carriage to town

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You both took a carriage to town.

When you both got there it was crowded.
"Y/n stay close and do not wander off. If you want something say something." He said while looking around. You held on his kimono sleeve. "Oni-chan I want to try some takoyaki." You said pointing to a stall. " Ok. Do you want to get dango and Sakura mochi too?" He said paying for the takoyaki. "Mhm!"


You both had fun playing games and watching the lanterns float in the air. Just as you were getting ready to leave you started to cough up lots of blood. "Y/n!!! Hey! Open your eyes!" You fell down and passed out.

A/N: so.... I almost forgot this. I have been so caught up on different things but as promised here you go..... A cliffhanger. Love you lots.... And thank you for picking up this book! Please do vote and comment... If you want to.

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