Ch:3 doctors news.pt1

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*thinking* <noise>


Nobody's pov:

It had been 2 days since you got sick. During those 2 days you mainly stayed near muzan. When he would work on studying anything you would sit by his side and try to learn how to read or would silently watch him holding the stuffed rabbit he gave you. When he would sit on the engawa and read you would lay next to him and take a nap in the sun.

He really did not mind. Although he was a little worried. You usually were a talkative child.... but was he ever going to admit it?... no. His ego would never let him.

Today you got really bed ridden. Everyone was scrambling around to help you. Muzan had no idea till he asked a maid.

"Hiko." He said watching her clean. " Yes young master?" She stopped and looked at him. "where is y/n at? She is awfully quite today." She had a look of surprise on her face. "The young miss is awfully bed ridden. She collapsed walking to your room last night. A maid found her with a high fever and blood coming from her mouth." And for the first time in a while you could see the look of worry on his face. " why was I not informed on this? It's the afternoon!" The maid flinched a little " well... the maids have been busy running around for her. The doctor will be here shortly to check up on her."

He stood up and stumbled his way out of the room. He walked to y/n's room... stumbling here and there along the way.

When he got there he sat next to your bed that you were laying on. You saw him and smiled softly.

"Oni-chan. <cough. cough> I'm sorry i did not come see you today." You softly spoke. "It's not your fault y/n-nee. You just got really sick, That's all."He said while pulling the rag off your head and dripping it back in the bowl.
"Oni-chan." "Hmm" he rung the rag out and put I back on her head.

"Is it true that you will not <cough! cough! cough!>
L-live past 20?" He froze for a second. "Who told you that?" He looked upset. "um. I hear it from one of the maids." You said looking away. <sigh>  "yes it is true. But I hope that there is a cure for this."He started to run his fingers through your hair.
30 mins later:
<knock, knock, knock> "Come in" muzan said while reading next to you. He had let you lay your head on hid lap while he reads and plays with your hair.

The doctor walks in. "Hello young master & young miss. I am Dr.Han, I came to check up on ms.y/n kibutsuji." Muzan helped you sit up straight.

"HI how are you today Ms.y/n?" He asked pulling hid supplies out. "I'm not feeling ok today" you held on to the end of muzans sleeve. "Alright I'm going to do a check up on you really quick so I can tell what's going on."

...... "it's the disease. It's getting worse, if she continues like this her system will shut down slowly."

Muzan had a panic on the inside but had a calm look on his face. " is there any thing we can do?" He asked holding you closer to him. The doctor gave a sympathetic look to you both.

"If you can find a cure or something to slow the process, she will live till she is 22... if not then she will die by the age of  12. Have a nice day I will be going now."
A/n: " was I the the only one who thought the hat muzan wore in the hein period when he was a human, looked goofy af on him🧐🤣? If you seen the anime you should understand."

Also what do think so far of this story?

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