Chapter 1: Yoichi Isagi

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My eyelids slowly fluttered open, due to the sunshine that was shining through my window into my room, which lead me to be face to face with a currently sleeping Ryo.

Without thinking all to much about it I slowly but surely started to observe his sleeping state, his eyelashes were a little long, while his thin and pale lips were inches away from mine, causing me to feel his warm breath against them, while our noses touched lightly in an almost natural way.

Suddenly, I felt how my body was leisurely being pulled towards his, which lead me to realize that he had his strong arms wrapped around my waist and occasionally pulled me closer towards his bare chest, Did he carry me to bed again?

Realizing that I had most likely troubled him once more, my hand started to gently caress his dirty-white bed hair that was all over the place.

"Good morning (N/N)...", his deep morning voice greeted me sounding more than happy to see me, as he casually nuzzled against me in a childish yet affectionate way, which made me let out a tender chuckle.

Poking his side playfully, he reluctantly removed his head from my flat chest and lifted his with tiredness filled gaze to meet mine, then he proceeded to let out a small yawn and blink a couple of times, before rubbing his eyes and scratching the itching skin of his neck.

"Good morning", I greeted him back sounding just as happy as he did previously, my lips were now forming a gentle and kind smile.

Very soon our foreheads were pressed against each other's, as we passionately gazed into each other's eyes, my smile widened bit by bit as I came to realize what he was trying to do, He is trying to encourage me...

"Are you ready for today?", he whispered quietly still seeming to be a little tired from waking up, even so he went through the trouble to let me know that he had my back yet again today and as if he was trying to comfort me, he slightly rubbed his warm forehead against mine.

Without noticing it, I naturally gave in to his touch in a matter of seconds and gave him a small yet modest nod, to reassure him that I was feeling up to the challenge that we had to face today.

"Don't worry, I swear that I will protect you...", he whispered into my ear, his voice was filled with the tender feelings that he held for me, but also with the will and the conviction to protect me, this caused his grip around me to tighten, as he protectively hugged me closer.

"Ryo...", my voice timidly spoke into his shoulder, as my body slowly started to relax the more I felt his comforting touch and without much further ado I gave into his embrace.

"I love you after all...", his deep morning voice whispered sweetly into my ear, his hot breath settled slowly against my skin, as his big hand casually cupped my cheek, while his with sincerity filled golden eyes starred into my own, yet there was a small hint of sadness hidden in them.

"I love you too!", my voice exclaimed happily in a whispering tone, as my lips tried to mimic his usual flawless grin that made many girls crush over him.

However, much to my surprise his lips parted to let a small sigh escape past them, without me noticing it, his slender hand had left my now cold cheek and was now covering his probably closed eyes, while his eyebrows formed a small frown.

"I will go get ready and then I will come and get you...", his somewhat sad voice trailed out sounding a tad bit exhausted and distant for some reason, at that moment, as he quickly put on his shirt and abruptly left my bedroom, was when I gradually came to realize that he had never felt so faraway before.

Following his example, I lazily got up from the bed that I had previously shared with him and was still able to feel his warmth on the white sheets, in order to walk towards my wooden wardrobe and take out my student uniform, This seems to be the most logical thing to wear for such an event...

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