Chapter 0 + 1 (Yoichi Isagi's POV)

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Yua Fuji presents

As I carefully placed my somewhat muscular arm around his fragile body, it made me notice just how different our bodies were built, while mine wasn't particularly muscular, his was completely flat without any trace of muscle, It's almost like a girl's body...

The display of nervousness that he was currently showing me, wasn't an act, since I could clearly tell that those feelings were genuine and for some reason I had this very sudden urge to protect his vulnerable self.

Imposter: Chapter 0 + 1 (Yoichi Isagi's POV)

Chapter 0: Dream

My hands were desperately grabbing onto my bicycle, as my head faced the ground in what was obviously shame, all the while tears fell down my cheeks like a waterfall before ultimately landing on the ground without making any type of sound.

"I really wanted to win...", without noticing it the words that I had been trying to hold back since the result of the game had been permanently set in stone, quietly managed to escape past my lips between sobs, as my tears persistently didn't seem to come to a halt and kept falling onto the ground.

"Excuse me...?", a timid young feminine voice called out to me from behind and the next thing that I felt a light pressure on my shoulder which seemed to be wanting my attention for a reason that was presently still unknown.

Not wanting this girl to see me in this state, I quickly wiped away my crystal clear tears with my sleeve, before slowly turning to face her, despite my efforts I didn't manage to hide the hint of confusion present in my probably still teary eyes, as my brows formed a light frown of suspicion.

"Who are you..?", my masculine voice called out to her not even bothering to hide my obvious wariness towards her at this point, as she appeared to be an extremely distrustful person at the moment.

"YoichiIsagi aren't you? I watched the match you just played... Honestly, you didamazing... Strikers tend to fight alone, yet you played hand in hand with yourteammates. I think you mustn't forget that the responsibility isn't yours aloneto carry. I can confidently say that if you had taken that shot you might havewon the match.", her explanation was long to say the least and I could feel a small tinge of discomfort in her voice probably because she was being so open about her fleeting emotions and yet for some reason my heart started to flutter lightly in happiness.

My gaze softened little by little, as the corners of my lips cracked into a smile of relief, a small sigh escaped past my lips as I felt how a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, most likely because I no longer felt so pitiful and grim.

"I appreciate your concern... What's your name?", the words that escaped past my lips were soft and kind, as my dark blue eyes narrowed to gaze into hers, a light blush had made it's way towards my cheeks out of embarrassment.

"My name is...", her (t/o/v) voice came out as a mere whisper causing me to not be able to manage and catch her every word, but for one reason or another I clearly could feel her sincerity once the corners of her beautiful lips slowly cracked into a soft smile, which was one of the prettiest that I had ever witnessed.

From that moment on, I simply couldn't manage to remove the gorgeous face of that teenage girl who I had randomly meet on that sunny evening from my mind.

Chapter 1: Yoichi Isagi

After having met Kira at the entrance of the building, I soon realized that he wasn't alone, but there was another guy standing a little bit further away from both of us, his presence wasn't very opposing which resulted into me not noticing him immediately.

Strangely enough, for a reason that I couldn't quite comprehend his calm aura reminded me of the one which circulated all around the pretty girl that I had met the other evening and of whose face I didn't fully catch due to the blinding sun.

My eyes lingered on him for a small moment, before abruptly moving away towards the building before us, I discreetly shock my head in order to get those in my opinion weird thoughts far away from my mind.

Without losing any more time, the three of us made our way inside the building that I had briefly observed beforehand in a tranquil pace, until we came face to face with a tall wooden door.

"This seems to be the place...", Kira's voice almost came out as a whisper that wouldn't have been heard if the hallways weren't dead quiet, at the same time he gradually pushed the door open, revealing a crowd of boys who had been probably reunited here for the same reason as the three of us.

"Wow there are a ton of guys here...",my voice shock lightly in fascination of the display in front of me, my gaze wandered around the room staring at each individual, one at a time, only then did I fully understand that my feelings were unclear, a mix between anxiety and yet also excitement.

"Yeah and I see some I recognize too...", Kira's voice spoke up sounding quite intrigued about this whole ordeal, as he started to count some of the people that he knew of without even batting an eye.

Narrowing my gaze towards the one who had remained silent all along, I soon realized that he had taken a step backwards which had caused him to unintentionally bump into me, in order to support him, I naturally wrapped my arm around him without even thinking twice about the consequences.

"Are you nervous too?", my masculine voice whispered gently into his ear with the clear intention of comforting his currently disturbed soul, while my rather strong arm which emulated warmth gradually pulled him closer towards my muscular chest.

Realizing that he was currently in my arms, Kira rapidly took hold of his hand and pulled him closer towards his own body, before his arms slowly made their way around his waist and pulled him closer in a protective yet slightly possessive embrace.

"I will protect him Isagi...", the former kindness that had been present in Kira's voice as he had talked to me was completely gone and instead replaced by a dominant tone of voice, as his eyebrows formed a small frown, while his golden eyes starred at me in a way that could almost be described as glaring.

However, before I could ask him why he was so insistent on the fact that I couldn't take care of him, the lights suddenly went out and left us completely in the dark.

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