Blue Lock Additional time

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Kira Ryosuke: I am so happy that we both got admitted for this. *stars in his eyes*

Little Brother: Of course big sis got in, she is the greatest! *fists in the air, cheering*

Kira Ryosuke: She is, isn't she?! A natural and a prodigy! *excited like a child*

Little Brother: She is the fastest on the court! No one can match her speed! *starts jumping around*

Kira Ryosuke: And her passes, they are so smooth! *big goofy grin on his face*

Little Brother: They go like swooshhh and wissshhhhh and puuffff! *pretends to kick a ball*

Kira Ryosuke: And when she passes me the ball, she looks at me like this...*imitates me*

Little Brother: Of course big sis got in, she is the greatest! *tries to imitate my passes*

(Y/N) (L/N): *watching them from afar* Idiots... *sigh*

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