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Ryo and I have been together for as long as I can remember.

We lived in the same neighbourhood, so naturally we got to know each other bit by bit.

We grew up together, spent every single day with each other.

Every time that I looked back, he would be there holding my hand in a reassuring way with that cocky grin of his.

I can clearly remember how we would play in the sand of the playground near our houses until our parents came to get us.

We went to school together and not much later Ryo had picked up on soccer.

Instead of playing in the sand, building castles with me he chose to play soccer with the guys, leaving me all alone.

So I went up to him and confronted him and confronted him about leaving me alone, to which he simply apologized and asked if I wanted to join in on the fun.

However, as I started dribbling the ball for the first time, I didn't know that I would wind up losing so much just to be with him.

In elementary school it was a little bit hard on me, the girls despised the fact that another girl was constantly near Ryo.

He was popular around the girls and I around the guys.

There weren't many girls who wore dresses, without any fear of getting it dirty and played soccer just as well as a boy.

I was the only one, I was special, but that wasn't what I wanted.

I wanted to be special for him.

The one who would always hold my hand on the way home, the one who would always pass me the ball despite the others being against a girl playing with them at first, the one who always had my back when the girls were mean and made fun of me.

I wanted to be the only girl in his radar, even back then.

At first, I was upset about the fact that the girls called me names, hit and punched me, messed with my belongings, pushed me so that I would fall, but the truth is that Ryo never stopped being there for me.

He protected me, just like a knight out of a fairy tale protects his princess.

So, I am not upset anymore, nor am I thankful about what they did to me.

It was just a stepping stone for Ryo and my relationship to become even better than before.

In middle school, Ryo wanted to join a soccer club and he claimed it to be impossible without me.

However, as we had imagined it, the teacher responsible for the male soccer club wasn't fond of a female joining his club.

He shot me down, without any apologies attached.

Yet Ryo didn't give up, instead he proposed that I should prove my worth on the court against his current best player.

For an outsider this idea might have sounded just about crazy yet not for me.

For me it was the proof that Ryo had faith in me.

I did end up winning the bet and I got in under one condition: I should start dressing up as a boy.

And that's how it all started, how (Y/N) (L/N) is now enjoying her little cross-dressing game.

My eyelids slowly fluttered open, due to the sunshine that was shining through my window into my room, which lead me to be face to face with a currently sleeping Ryo.

Without thinking all to much about it my (L/F) (L/C) slowly pressed against his forehead in an affectionate way, I dreamed about you... Ryo... About us...

A small yet contented smile graced my lips, as I childishly rubbed my forehead against his in order to try and wake him up, but instead of waking up he naturally pulled me closer towards him, groaning a little bit in displease, which caused my cheeks to blush lightly.

"Good morning (N/N)...", his deep morning voice greeted me sounding a tad bit tired, as he quietly lifted his head up to meet my (E/C) eyes, his overwhelming cuteness made me let out a gentle chuckle.

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