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Everyone has their own way of escaping reality and the endless void that may come with it, it wouldn't be bold to assume that there is probably no one who doesn't attempt to try and forget about their worries every now and then when it becomes overwhelming.

"Incredible you won again!", the young boy who must have been around my age exclaimed happily, before all of a sudden deciding to grab hold of both of my shoulders from behind and shaking them agitatedly from what was most likely the excitement that he was currently experiencing thanks to my lucky winning streak.

A slight chuckle escaped my a little ajar (L/F) (L/C) lips, as my (H/S) hand hid this gesture of mine due to the overwhelming embarrassment of not being used to being cheered on in such a hysteric way by a stranger that I had just met a while ago in this arcade nonetheless.

"This is nothing... It is mere luck...", in a somewhat sad way my gaze drifted downwards towards the joystick which my hand had been gently embracing, the feeling of not belonging here started to slowly rise up to the surface yet again, causing a bitter aftertaste to be left in my mouth.

Occasionally, when the atmosphere at home would become a little bit heavy or when I simply wished to be by myself, I casually wandered around town and choose one of the many arcades as my shelter for the day, yet the disguise that I always wore when playing soccer never accompanied me on such occasions, instead it stayed at home and waited patiently for the moment when I would need it again.

Usually I always wore Ryo's old clothes, wherever I went to school or to soccer practice it is always my male version that saw the light of the day instead of my female version that had to constantly remain hidden from the world, so when my female self saw the day light it felt as though I could breath freely again.

"No, this is real skill that you got there...", out of nowhere, as I was completely lost in thoughts a masculine voice gently whispered in my ear, causing me to slightly lift my head towards the individual who was standing right next to me and had addressed me just then, in a mere instant his handsome face had completely invaded my line of vision, making my cheeks unconsciously flush in a rosy red.

Was he one of the boys standing behind me?, calmly taking the time to observe the face that was mere inches away from mine, I quickly noticed that it was one of whose presence I hadn't taken notice of among the small crowd which had gathered just behind me.

"Makes me wonder what other skills that you have...", the gentle tone that was formerly present in his enchanting voice was now completely gone and instead replaced by a suggestive one, his gaze that was starring intently into my own held some kind of lust to it.

Although, his past statement had left me completely confused, I didn't have enough time to ponder over an adequate response, since another one of the boys among the crowd had briskly pulled him far away from me, which made me let out a very light sigh of relieve.

"Stay away from our goddess! She belongs to all of us!", their shouting was so incredibly loud that I wondered wherever or not I would be kicked out of the arcade anytime soon and very quickly another sigh this time filled with both annoyance but also a slight tinge of embarrassment managed to escape past my lips.

Despite all the commotion that was presently going on behind me, I managed to catch the faint noise of the door of the arcade being opened ever so slightly, letting two male customers enter.

"Is this the place, Nagi?", looking around seeming to be a little perplexed with where he had found himself in the violet haired individual voiced his question out loud sounding a little bit judging of the state of the arcade's building, as his light violet eyes which were directed at his white haired friend pressed this one for an answer.

However, the white haired boy didn't even bother giving his friend an answer and unexpectedly his grey eyes suddenly landed on me after having wandered around for a little while, without saying another word he slowly started to make his way over towards my current location.

Seeming to be a tad bit shocked, his startled friend whose eyes had widened a little bit probably because of his friend's harsh actions, wordlessly followed behind him.

In no time the white haired boy was sitting in front of me with a completely blank expression which made him seem completely emotionless, meanwhile the violet haired one was standing right behind him with a somewhat confused look on his face, as if he was constantly wondering what had gotten into his companion.

All of a sudden the commotion that had taken place behind me, had unexpectedly come to a halt, which made me wonder why exactly they had all suddenly stopped arguing about how close that guy had gotten to my comfort zone and as I hesitantly tore my vigilant gaze away from the strange boy I soon understood why.

The mysterious person who was currently standing in front of me had sent me an invitation to a player vs player death match, seeing how the screen was filled with the invitation made my (E/C) eyes widen slightly in realization, So this was what he wanted?

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