Chapter 2: Ego Jinpachi

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"And test... test... test... Congratulations and welcome my diamonds in the rough", a stoic voice echoed across the room, somehow frightened by the slightly menacing tone of it, my body automatically leaned against Ryo's for support, to which he generously indulged by pulling me closer towards his warm body.

Very soon a tall and meagre man stood on the stage that was in the back of the room and was illuminated by a light that shined down on him from above, his eyes that starred down at us with a somewhat menacing hint in them were hidden behind a pair of black glasses.

You were the 318 strikers who were chosen according to my arbitrary and wise decision making. And I'm Jinpachi Ego, the man who was hired to ensure Japan's victory at the world cup.", the strange man with the bold cut hair who named himself as Jinpachi Ego, kept holding monologue about the reason as to why we were all gathered here.

The formerly quiet and attentive crowd started to slowly become noisier as whispers initiated a small commotion in the room, Japan's victory at the world cup?

The three of us started to calmly advance further into the crowd, Ryo and Isagi were holding tightly onto my hands for some reason and guided me forwards they had informed me beforehand that it would be unfortunate if we would get lost in the commotion.

Soon we came to an abrupt halt, as we had no other possibility to move closer towards the stage, from this distance I managed to catch a glimpse of a red haired woman who was strongly holding onto something that I couldn't quite make from afar.

"Who is he do you know?", knowing that I probably had no clue about who the man claimed to be, Ryo's head turned lightly towards Isagi and whispered this small question to him, hoping that he would have an answer to offer him.

"No clue... Sorry!", unfortunately, none of us seemed to know who that strange man was, since Isagi's apologetic voice had just shattered our last bit of hope of getting a hold of an answer.

"It's simple really. In order to outstretch the rest of the world Japanese soccer requires only one thing and that is the birth of a revolutionary striker.", there was such a huge amount of confidence in his voice that I could never hope to hold, it was the proof that he was sure of having found the key to Japan's success in soccer, for a short moment, the lights had created the flag of Japan before going back to normal.

A revolutionary striker?, at this point it was hard to deduce from where he was coming from, yet for some strange reason I could trust his words to be true, perhaps it was that strong amount of determination that was present in his voice that lead me to believe him.

"I will be performing an experiment to turn the 300 of you into the best striker of the world. Here at this facility. Blue Lock. Starting today, you will live together and undergo the specialized training I devised to transform you.", as his firm voice continued his long explanation, images appeared up behind him showing us a building which was most likely the facility of which he was talking about.

"You won't be allowed to go home and your previous soccer careers will be a mere memory.", suddenly as he informed us of this, all the positive feelings that Ryo and I shared about becoming certified athletes vanished into thin air, as the thought of not being able to see my little brother hit me like lightening and almost immediately an enormous amount of sadness overwhelmed me in an instant, but not only that all of Ryo's efforts to keep our team together would have been in vain.

"But I promise you this, if you fight hard enough, if you survive to be the last man standing out of the 300 candidates assembled here. You will be the greatest striker in history. That's all for now. It's been fun.", his previously enlightening twisted into what could be interpreted as cruelty and called me back to reality, the images of the facility behind him vanished and were instead replaced by a logo of Blue Lock.

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