Chapter 5: Alone

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It was the third day since the whole project had been set into motion, it had been three days since I had lost the most important person in my life, three whole days I had spent them lazing around our shared bedroom doing nothing else than looking at the ceiling hoping that Ryo's face would somehow magically appear in front of me.

Seeming to be tired my eyelids slowly closed shut, sending me into deep thoughts, for the past few days I hadn't managed to get much rest since I kept thinking about that day and it simply robbed my sleep, neither had I managed to eat much it was as if the food had no taste and life no colour.

My body was completely covered in sweat and yet, I didn't have what it took in me to get up and go take a shower, in my eyes the bathroom was to far away and going there would have been a waste of time since I would start sweating soon after showering anyways.

A small sigh escaped my slightly parted lips, my a little wet hand brushed through my with sweat filled hair that I hadn't even bothered to tie up in a ponytail.

All of a sudden I heard some noises coming from the outside, a small commotion had started to take place just in front of the door, causing my gaze to lazily drift off towards the door.

I wonder who is going to bring me by food today..., the guys had been taking turns into bringing me food for the past three days and yet none of them really tried to motivate me and I knew fairly well why, it was because I could very well become their enemy and right now I was the strongest among them according to Ego Jinpachi.

"Could you two quiet down? Imagine he is sleeping...", it was an extremely deep and masculine voice that whispered in a slightly aggressive way, taking all the strength that I had my body slowly rose up from the ground to face the direction from which the voice was coming from.

Realizing that whoever was causing the commotion outside were going to keep bickering for quite a while if no one would put a halt to it, my body started moving on its own accord, taking one unsteady step after the other, until I finally managed to reach the door which opened automatically, standing behind it were three individuals that I wasn't expecting to face.

"Crazy guy... traitor... and spicky hair? What are you doing here...?", my with suspicion filled (E/C) eyes focused on each of them for a small amount of time, my right hand was now resting on my forehead while my left one grabbed onto the frame of the door for support.

As my index finger lazily pointed at each of them, one of them at a time, my vigilante gaze witnessed how Isagi's facial expression slowly crumbled in shame.

"It's been three whole days, since you started lazing around, so we came here to cheer you up!", the one with the brown hair with yellow ends said in a nonchalant voice, as he energetically picked up the plate that had been on the ground all along and offered it to me.

"Wait... You barely ate what we brought you this morning...", Isagi the one who had been quiet all along directed his with concern filled gaze towards the plates that were scattered around the room which I hadn't bother to pick up or touch, the worry in his gaze was hear able in his slightly shaking voice.

"Listen... If you keep going on like this you won't do anyone any good...", the orange haired guy informed me, his facial expression was a tad bit more serious than before, causing my shoulders to tense up lightly, as I could clearly feel how his gaze pierced right through me.

Without a warning the golden eyed one had picked up a piece of the food that was on the plate and swiftly stuffed it into my mouth, a somewhat devilish grin was present on his shining face, as he quickly pushed me down onto the ground and firmly kept me pinned down, while hovering over me without any shame.

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