Chapter 6: Monster

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Bachira pulled me along towards the door thanks to his hand which was tightly wrapped around my own and I couldn't help but stare intently at our intertwined fingers, as I felt the heat of his slightly pale skin.

"Now hold on a moment Bachira!", a masculine voice cried out sounding a tad bit desperate about stopping him, tilting my head back to see who had yelled just now, my eyes widened slightly once they landed on no one else than Isagi himself who was currently approaching both of us with a rather stern look on his face.

"Hm? Are you about to ruin my fun Isagi? How boring... You guys are no fun.", the one who was currently stilling holding firmly onto my hand, spoke up pretending to be somewhat insulted by the male's former actions, while his lips formed a slight pout to make the whole act a tad bit more credible.

"He hasn't been eating for the past three days. Where exactly do you plan on taking him?", there was an imposing tone to his now stern voice as if he was trying to intimidate Bachira into letting me go, the distance between both of them was slowly decreasing with each step that Isagi took towards our present location.

Although, the atmosphere between them wasn't particularly heavy, there was still something about their exchanges that made it seem as though they weren't really on the same wave length.

"That doesn't concern you, Isagi.", his tone was slightly menacing it was like a warning to tell him that his intimidation attempt had miserably failed, his golden eyes that stared intently at the boy with a playful hint to them, while the corners of his lips formed a rather cocky grin.

The one who had tried to stay calm before now started to slowly show his apparent anger of the situation which had developed, his stern expression crumbled bit by bit, as his frown slowly deepened hinting towards his true emotions.

Without saying a word the the brunette, he briskly clasped his hands over our joined ones and with no hesitation tore them from each other, as if to tell us that we weren't going anywhere and very suddenly, since my hand had been held by his comfortingly warm one, the feeling of loneliness started to slowly swirl up within me.

"Alright, that's enough you two.", a deep imposing masculine voice made both of them snap out of their bickering, our heads quickly turned towards the direction from which the voice was coming from only to land on Kunigami who currently had his arms crossed over his chest.

"How about we all go train, instead? You should slowly regain your strength.", even though he had briskly stopped Bachira's intention by simply speaking up and making his presence known, he surprisingly proposed something else instead, a small contented smile graced his slightly pale lips, as he gently watched over me from above.

Maintaining his crystal clear orange eyes filled with earnest on mine, the corners of his slightly pale lips never did stop forming that contented smile, as his big and muscular hand slowly but surely came into view, making it seem as though he was practically asking me to take hold of it and strangely enough there was this calmness which started to quietly rise to the surface, I wonder why... am I feeling this way...?

It was carelessly and without any kind of hesitation that my palm slowly came to rest on to of extended one, only then did my (E/C) widen in realization of how weak I had truly become in the past three days, looking at my hand was almost like looking at my past self before entering soccer, there were barely any muscles to be seen.

After being sure to watch me eat a big portion of food which almost caused me to throw up, both Kunigami and Isagi decided to take me to the training room where they had been bravely practicing for the past three days while I lazily laying around and refused to move even a little bit and Bachira sulkily decided to tag along with them.

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